Defines the operations to send a request expressed by an ActionInstanceDescription to a given entity
identified either by a unique guid or a KAoSEntityDescription.
Implementation of the JAS service factory to initialize classifiers based on the information provided in the bootstrap data under the context classifier-service
$Revision: 1.6 $
Determine if this AgentCapability is contained in the other AgentCapability,
meaning that all properties of this AgentCapability are present in the other.
Defines the operations to register and deregister entities and entity hosting environments in the KAoS Directory Service and operations to modify the registration information.
Returns an OntInstanceDescription containing the name of the state class and a collection of OntPropertyDescriptions of properties currently monitored.
Defines the operations to send a request expressed by a String containing the action name
and, in some cases, a HashMap containing the action properties.
Defines an exception to be thrown when a specified property is being
requested to be monitored, but the property is not defined in the ontology
for the given state class.
This interface is exposed by the KAoS to the outside system allowing them to register with KAoS specific components extending default KAoS functionality.
Defines the operations to register/deregister and notify KAoSObservers interested in updates when
the state of this KAoSObservable changes or an event occurs that is associated with the KAoSObservable.
This class illustrates how a legacy client becomes KAoS-aware by simply inheriting
from the KAoSActorImpl class, adding the "LegacySystemActorConcepts.LegacySystemUser()" ontological type
to its KAoS description and registering with KAoS (all shown in the start() method).
The command line arguments required to instantiate the ObligationActorForNotificationAction are:
-name NotifyAgent -guid NotifyAgent -transport tcp -domains NotifyDomain
The -name keyword is followed by the agent's nickname, NotifyAgent - required.
This method is called by the superclass, ObligationRequestReceiverImpl, in order
to complete the enforcement of an obligation, which in this case is the NotificationAction.
This class is an example of an actor, performing obligations for NotificationAction
defined by:
The command line arguments required to bootstrap an instance of ObligationActorForNotificationAction are:
-name NotifyAgent -guid NotifyAgent -transport tcp -domains NotifyDomain
The -name keyword is followed by the agent's nickname, NotifyAgent.
This class implements the JAS ServiceFactory interface to instantiate an OntologyAnnotation service and initialize it based on the information provided in the bootstrap file
(currently config\guardConfiguration.cfg) in the section: ontology-annotation-service.
This class implements the OntologyAnnotationManager interface, which defines a factory method for obtaining an OntologyAnnotationService, whose ontological type is given.
Defines the operations to send an obligation request described by an obligation ActionInstanceDescription and
trigger ActionInstanceDescription to an entity for execution.
ObligationViolationException defines an exception, which is thrown when the evaluation of
a trigger against applicable obligation policy determines that some part of obligation
constraint has been violated, or that for some reason an obligation cannot be fulfilled.
Register the given KAoSObserver with the KAoSObservable, whose KAoSEntityDescription is given, for updates
described by the updateType and updateConstraints.
Defines the operations to register and deregister entities and entity hosting environments
in the KAoS Directory Service and operations to modify the registration information, to
register entitites in KAoS Domain and to maintain domain hierarchy.
This class ilistrates an implementation of a CSI RequestReceiver: an entity capable of receiving and processing requests for actions defined in kaos ontologies.
This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverID to perform an action described
by the given String and a HashMap containing the action properties.
This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverDesc to perform an action described
by actionName and a HashMap containing the action properties.
This method sends a request described by actionName and a HashMap containing the action properties
to perform an action by an entity identified by the receiverID.
This method sends an obligation request to an entity identified by the given receiverDesc to execute an obligation action described
by the given obligation ActionInstanceDescription and the trigger ActionInstanceDescription.
This method sends an obligation request to an entity identified by its unique ID to execute an obligation action described
by the given obligation ActionInstanceDescription and the trigger ActionInstanceDescription.
This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverID to perform an action described
by the given String, which is in the OWL format.
This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverDesc to perform an action described
by the given String, which is in the OWL format.
TODO: remove it when OntologyService become available in CSI
Set optional OntologyService to be used to retrieve a missing ontology definition of not provided explicitly
in the classify method arguments
In this method, this obligation actor continues its policy- and application-specific instantiation:
- specifies ontological type of a NotificationAgent in its KAoSAgentDescription
- registers with KAoS
- initializes its vars
- creates its gui
- obtains a reference the CSI Query Service needed to obtain addresses to
send notifications via email
- initializes the notification modes
This class implements the JAS ServiceFactory interface to instantiate a StateMonitorManager and initialize it based on the information provided in the bootstrap file (currently
config\guardConfiguration.cfg) in the section: stateMonitor-service $Revision: 1.2 $
This interface defines the operations to bind an entity, whose KAoSAgentDescription or Locator is given to the specified transport
and to send messages via a given transport.
This class llustrates an implementation of a SimpleGuardedSender: an entity registered with KAoS via its Guard
and capable of sending messages to other entities registered in the KAoS Directory Service.