A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V _


AcceptInfObjectAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
AcceptInfObjectAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
AcceptNewFederateAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
AcceptNewFederateAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
AcceptQueryAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
AcceptQueryAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
AcceptSubscriptionAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
AcceptSubscriptionAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
ActionFailureException - Exception in kaos.core.csi.request
Defines an exception to be thrown when the requested action fails.
ActionFailureException() - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.request.ActionFailureException
Constructs a new ActionFailureException with no detailed message.
ActionFailureException(String) - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.request.ActionFailureException
Constructs a new ActionFailureException with a detailed message.
ActionInstanceDescription - Interface in kaos.core.csi
This interface contains methods allowing to create and investigate a description of an Action instance.
ActionMethodRequestHandler - Class in kaos.core.csi.request
This class implements the operations to receive and process requests for actions.
ActionMethodRequestHandler() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.request.ActionMethodRequestHandler
ADD - Static variable in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
ADD_ELEMENT_TO_LIST - Static variable in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
ADD_ELEMENT_TO_TABLE - Static variable in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
ADD_ELEMENTS_TO_LIST - Static variable in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
ADD_ELEMENTS_TO_TABLE - Static variable in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
addChildToDomain(DomainDescription, DomainDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.DomainHierarchyConfiguration
Add the childDomain as a child of the specified domain.
addGroupLeader(String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.GroupRegistration
Adds the specified actor as a leader of the given group.
addMultipleValues(Set<String>) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntPropertyDescription
addOntologicalAttribute(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionComponent
Add an ontological attribute the component is associated with.
addPolicies(List<PolicyMsg>) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
addPolicy(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
addPolicy(PolicyMsg) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
addPolicyUpdateListener(PolicyListener) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
addProperty(OntPropertyDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntInstanceDescription
Add property to the instance
addProperty(String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntInstanceDescription
Add property to the instance, providing name and value.
addPropertyToOntModel(SerializableOntModelImpl, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntPropertyDescription
Add this property to the instance definition in the ontology model
addType(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntInstanceDescription
Add the ontology type of this instance.
addUnfulfilledObligation(ViolatedObligationDescription) - Method in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.ObligationViolationException
addValue(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntPropertyDescription
Add the value to this property.
AGENT_NAME - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.InfofedAgent
AgentCapability - Interface in kaos.core.csi
Defines the operations to store and access information about a capability an agent offers.
AgentConfiguration - Class in kaos.core.csi.registration
AgentConfiguration(String, List, List, Map) - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.registration.AgentConfiguration
AgentConfiguration(ServiceProperties) - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.registration.AgentConfiguration
AIDRequestManager - Interface in kaos.core.csi.request
Defines the operations to send a request expressed by an ActionInstanceDescription to a given entity identified either by a unique guid or a KAoSEntityDescription.
AIDRequestReceiver - Interface in kaos.core.csi.request
Defines the operations to process a request expressed by an ActionInstanceDescription.
anotherLegacyAction(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.LegacySystem
Accepts a request for another action in the legacy system.
askQuery(String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.query.QueryState
Get values of the selected variable satisfying the KIF query with possibly many variable.
AssignPriorityToFederateAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
AssignPriorityToFederateAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
AssignResurceLimitForFederatesAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
AssignResurceLimitForFederatesAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
authorizationCheckInterupted - Variable in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.KAoSSecurityException
authorizeCommunicationAction(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.enforcement.CommunicationActionEnforcer
Authorize a communication action described by properties expressed by the arguments to this method.
authorizeCommunicationAction(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleGuardedSender
Authorize a communication action described by properties expressed by the arguments to this method.


bindMsgListenerToTransport(MessageListener, String, Locator, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.transport.TransportSupport
Bind the specified MessageListener, whose Locator is given to the given transport.
bindMsgListenerToTransport(MessageListener, String, KAoSAgentDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.transport.TransportSupport
Bind the specified MessageListener, whose KAoSAgentDescription is given to the given transport.
bindToPolicyService(String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.request.ActionMethodRequestHandler
bindToTransport(String, Locator, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.transport.TransportSupport


changeComponentEnabledStatus(String, boolean) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionComponentManager
Changes the 'enabled' status of the given component
changePolicies(List<PolicyMsg>) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
changePolicy(PolicyMsg) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
changePolicy(String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
checkDeepPermission(ActionInstanceDescription, PolicyDecisionObserver) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyChecking
checkPermission(ActionInstanceDescription, PolicyDecisionObserver) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyChecking
checkPermissionForAction(String, HashMap) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.request.ActionMethodRequestHandler
ClassifierException - Exception in kaos.core.csi.extension.classification
ClassifierException(String) - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.extension.classification.ClassifierException
ClassifierException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.extension.classification.ClassifierException
ClassifierException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.extension.classification.ClassifierException
CLASSIFIERS - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionsTypes
ClassifierServiceFactory - Class in kaos.core.csi.extension.classification
Implementation of the JAS service factory to initialize classifiers based on the information provided in the bootstrap data under the context classifier-service $Revision: 1.6 $
ClassifierServiceFactory() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.extension.classification.ClassifierServiceFactory
Empty constructor
classify(String, Object, String, Object) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.classification.InstanceClassifier
Check if the instance is in of the given class
clone() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntInstanceDescription
Clone method
COABSGRID_TRANSPORT - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
CommunicationAction(HashMap, ActionStatusCallback) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestReceiverUsecase
CommunicationAction(ActionStatusCallback) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestReceiverUsecase
CommunicationAction(HashMap) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestReceiverUsecase
CommunicationAction() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestReceiverUsecase
CommunicationActionEnforcer - Interface in kaos.core.csi.policy.enforcement
This interface defines methods for an enforcer enforcing CommunicationAction.
containedInCapability(AgentCapability) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.AgentCapability
Determine if this AgentCapability is contained in the other AgentCapability, meaning that all properties of this AgentCapability are present in the other.
CORBA_TRANSPORT - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
createAgent() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.InfofedAgent
createKAoSAgentDescription(String, String, List<String>, String, JasBean) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.DirectoryRegistration
Create an instance of the KAoSAgentDescription using the given parameters.
createKAoSAgentDescription(String, String, List<String>, List<AgentCapability>, String, JasBean) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.DirectoryRegistration
Create an instance of the KAoSAgentDescription as simpler method createKAoSAgentDescription but additionally specifies agent capabilities
createLocator(String, JasBean, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.transport.TransportSupport
CSIFactory - Class in kaos.core.csi
This class provides access to specific KAoS services offered by the KAoS Common Services Interface $Revision: 1.45 $
CSIFactory() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
currentTransportName - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory


defaultAuthorization - Variable in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.KAoSSecurityException
DELETE - Static variable in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
DELETE_ELEMENT_FROM_LIST - Static variable in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
DELETE_ELEMENT_FROM_TABLE - Static variable in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
DELETE_ELEMENTS_FROM_LIST - Static variable in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
DELETE_ELEMENTS_FROM_TABLE - Static variable in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
deleteAllLogs() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.history.logging.HistoryMonitor
Delete all the events logged so far.
deleteLogs(List<ActionInstanceDescription>) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.history.logging.HistoryMonitor
deleteLogsforActionType(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.history.logging.HistoryMonitor
Delete all logged events that contain the given action type.
deleteLogsforActor(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.history.logging.HistoryMonitor
Delete all logged events that contain the given actor.
deleteSpecifiedLogs(String, String, String, String, Boolean) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.history.logging.HistoryMonitor
This method calls 'getSpecifiedLogs' with its input parameters and then deletes the logs returned by that call.
deregisterComponent(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionComponentManager
Deregister a specific KAoSExtensionComponent from KAoS
deregisterEntity(AgentDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.DirectoryRegistration
Deregister the entity described by the given AgentDescription from the KAoS Directory Service.
deregisterEntityFromDomain(DomainDescription, KAoSEntityDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.DomainRegistration
Deregister the entity described by the given KAoSEntityDescription from the specified domain.
deregisterEntityHostingEnv(EntityHostEnvDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.DomainRegistration
Deregister the entity hosting environment described by the given EntityHostEnvDescription from the KAoS Directory Service.
deregisterObjectWithSpatialProperties(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.SpatialRegistration
Deregister object identified by the given objectID and its spatial properties in the SpatialReasoner.
deregisterObserver(String, Object, KAoSObserver) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.observe.KAoSObservable
Deregister the given KAoSObserver for the given update type from the registry of observers associated with this KAoSObservable.
deregisterObserver(KAoSObserver, String, Serializable, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.observe.ObserverManager
Deregister the given KAoSObserver from the registry of observers associated with the KAoSObservable, whose GUID is given.
deregisterObserver(KAoSObserver, String, Serializable, KAoSEntityDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.observe.ObserverManager
Deregister the given KAoSObserver from the registry of observers asoociated with the KAoSObservable, whose KAoSEntityDescription is given.
DirectoryRegistration - Interface in kaos.core.csi.registration
Defines the operations to register and deregister entities and entity hosting environments in the KAoS Directory Service and operations to modify the registration information.
DomainHierarchyConfiguration - Interface in kaos.core.csi.registration
Defines the operations to configure the parent-child domain relationship for the specified domain.
DomainRegistration - Interface in kaos.core.csi.registration
Defines the operations to register and deregister entities in the specified domain.


ENABLERS - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionsTypes
Enforcer - Interface in kaos.core.csi.policy.enforcement
This is the interface implemented by the end-system programmer with functionalities specific for enforcement of policies on particular action classes.
EnforcerInitializationException - Exception in kaos.core.csi.policy.enforcement
EnforcerInitializationException defines an exception to be thrown by the Enforcer class when it encounters a problem in initialization.
EnforcerInitializationException() - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.policy.enforcement.EnforcerInitializationException
Constructs a new EnforcerInitializationException with no detail message.
EnforcerInitializationException(String) - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.policy.enforcement.EnforcerInitializationException
Constructs a new EnforcerInitializationException with a detail message.
EnforcerInstantiationException - Exception in kaos.core.csi.policy.enforcement
EnforcerInstantiationException defines an exception to be thrown by the Guard during the process of instantiation an enforcer.
EnforcerInstantiationException() - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.policy.enforcement.EnforcerInstantiationException
Constructs a new EnforcerInstantiationException with no detail message.
EnforcerInstantiationException(String) - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.policy.enforcement.EnforcerInstantiationException
Constructs a new EnforcerInstantiationException with a detail message.
EnforcerManager - Interface in kaos.core.csi.policy.enforcement
This interface allowing to manage enforcers $Revision: 1.4 $
ENFORCERS - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionsTypes
equals(Object) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleGuardedSender
Two agents are equal if their respective hash codes are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleReceiver
Two agents are equal if their respective hash codes are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleSender
Two agents are equal if their respective hash codes are equal.
EventHistoryComponent - Interface in kaos.core.csi.extension.history
This interface extends KAoSExtensionComponent interface.
EventsHistoryManager - Class in kaos.core.csi.extension.history
This class extends guard repository manager implementation.
executeHashMapBasedAction(String, HashMap, ActionStatusCallback) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.request.ActionMethodRequestHandler


Federate - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActorConcepts
Federate() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActorConcepts
FeedbackReceiver - Interface in kaos.core.csi.request
findAuthorizationFailureForAction(ActionInfo, DurationDescription, DurationDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.history.PolicyDecisionHistoryComponent
findEventsOfType(ActionInfo, DurationDescription, DurationDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.history.EventHistoryComponent
This method is used to find the list of occurrences of actual events of the type indicated by an event class.
findEventsOfType(ActionInfo, DurationDescription, DurationDescription) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.extension.history.EventsHistoryManager
This method is used to find the list of occurrences of actual events of the type indicated by an event class.
findPolicies(String, Map<List<String>, String>) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
findPolicyDecision(ActionInstanceDescription, PolicyDecisionObserver) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyChecking
forbiddingPolicyId - Variable in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.KAoSSecurityException
ForwardInfObjectAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
ForwardInfObjectAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
ForwardInformationAboutMetaTypeAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
ForwardInformationAboutMetaTypeAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
ForwardQueryAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
ForwardQueryAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
ForwardSubscriptionAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
ForwardSubscriptionAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts


getActionClassName() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ActionInstanceDescription
Get the name of the class of action.
getActor() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ActionInstanceDescription
Get the name of the actor.
getActor(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.query.QueryRegistration
Returns description of the actor identified by the given name
getActorsFulfilling(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.query.QueryRegistration
Returns description of the actors fulfilling constraints expressed as the KIF statemant
getActorsWithAttributes(Map) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.query.QueryRegistration
Returns descriptions of the actors whose KAoSAgentDescription contains all specified attributes and their values.
getAgentConfiguration() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.Registration
getAgentConfiguration(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.Registration
getAgentId() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.registration.AgentConfiguration
getAllAgents() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.query.QueryRegistration
Return all agent ids stored in the KAoS directory.
getAllForbiddingPolicies() - Method in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.KAoSSecurityException
getAllKAoSExtensionComponents() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionComponentManager
Get all components contained in this repository.
getAllLogs() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.history.EventHistoryComponent
getAllLogs() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.extension.history.EventsHistoryManager
getAllLogs() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.history.logging.HistoryMonitor
Get all the events logged so far.
getAllowableValuesForActionProperties(Vector, ActionInstanceDescription, boolean, PolicyDecisionObserver) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyAdvice
getAllowableValuesForActionProperties(ActionInstanceDescription, PolicyDecisionObserver) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyAdvice
getAllowableValuesForActionProperty(String, ActionInstanceDescription, Set, boolean, PolicyDecisionObserver) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyAdvice
getAllPoliciesFor(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
getAlternateActors() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.ObligationActionDescription
getCapabilities() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.KAoSActor
Obtain the collection of AgentCapabilities of this KAoSActor.
getCapabilities() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
getClassifier(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.classification.InstanceClassifierManager
Instantiate an InstanceClassifier for the specified property.
getClassifierManagement() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to the ClassifierManagement
getComponent(String, ServiceProperties) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionComponentManager
Obtain a specific for the given manager kind of extension component associated with the provided ontology attribute.
getComponentEnabledStatus(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionComponentManager
Get the 'enabled' status of the given component
getConceptMappingName() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ActionInstanceDescription
Get the name of the concept mapping.
getConceptMappingName() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.KAoSActor
Get the name of the concept mapping between the entity system's ontological concepts and KAoS ontology.
getConceptMappingName() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
getConstructedOntologyStructure(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
This method retrieves user defined ontology structure identified by the id from the repository.
getConstructedOntologyStructures() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
This method retrieves all user defined ontology structures in the repository.
getCost() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.AgentCapability
Obtain the capability cost.
getCurrentState() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.state.StateMonitor
Returns an OntInstanceDescription containing the name of the state class and a collection of OntPropertyDescriptions of properties currently monitored.
getCurrentTransport() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
getDescription() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.Property
Return the OWL description of the property to be modified.
getDirectPoliciesFor(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
getDomain(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.query.QueryRegistration
Returns description of the domain identified by the given name
getDomainNames() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.KAoSActor
Returns a List of String containing the names of domains the actor is registered in.
getDomainNames() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
getDomains() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.registration.AgentConfiguration
getEnabledStatus() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionComponent
Return 'true/false', indicating the 'enabled/disabled' status of the component.
getEnforcer(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.enforcement.EnforcerManager
Tries to obtain an enforcer
getEntityOntologicalTypeNames() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.KAoSActor
Obtain the collection of just names of ontological types of KAoS entity described by this KAoSActorDescription.
getEntityOntologicalTypeNames() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
getEntityOntologicalTypes() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.KAoSActor
Obtain the collection of ontological types of this KAoSActorDescription.
getEntityOntologicalTypes() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
getFirstForbiddingPolicy() - Method in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.KAoSSecurityException
getFirstType() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntInstanceDescription
Get first type of the instance
getFirstValue() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntPropertyDescription
Get the first value of this property.
getForbiddenValuesForActionProperty(String, ActionInstanceDescription, PolicyDecisionObserver) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyAdvice
getGroupLeaders(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.query.QueryRegistration
Get the list of Actors assigned as leaders for the given Group.
getGroupMembers(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.query.QueryRegistration
Get the list of Actors assigned as leaders for the given Group.
getGroupsLedBy(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.query.QueryRegistration
Get the Groups led by the given Actor
getGUID() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.KAoSActor
Obtain the actor's globally unique identifier.
getGUID() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
getHistoryMonitor() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to the EventHistoryComponent.
getID() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.observe.KAoSObserver
Return the unique identifier of this observer.
getImmediateSubClassesOf(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Get set of immediate subclasses of the given class (direct children of the class).
getInstance() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.extension.history.EventsHistoryManager
getInstance() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.extension.obligation.ObligationMonitorManager
Retrieve an instance of ObligationMonitorManager.
getInstance(String[]) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
Retrieve a reference to the LegacySystem.
getInstanceOntModel() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntInstanceDescription
Get the Jena-based Ontology Model object for this instance.
getInstancesOf(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Get set of instances of the given concept; if the concept is an instance itself the set contains just this instance.
getInstancesOf(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.query.QueryState
Get set of instances of the given concept; if the concept is an instance itself the set contains just this instance.
getKAoSExtensionComponent(String, String) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to a KAoSExtensionComponent loaded in the guard
getKAoSExtensionComponentManager(String) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to a KAoSExtensionComponentManager, whose service name is specified
getKeywords() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.AgentCapability
Obtain a List of String describing keywords to be used in search for this capability.
getLegacySystem(String[]) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.LegacySystemFactory
This is a factory class returning a reference to an implementation of the LegacySystem.
getListOfLoadedOntologies() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
This method returns a set of urls depicting ontologies loaded into the Ontology Service
getLogsforActionType(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.history.EventHistoryComponent
getLogsforActionType(String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.extension.history.EventsHistoryManager
getLogsforActionType(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.history.logging.HistoryMonitor
Get all events logged that contain the given action type.
getLogsforActor(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.history.logging.HistoryMonitor
Get all logged events that contain the given actor.
getModificationFailureCode() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
Return the error code of the modification failure.
getModificationFailureDescription() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
Return the description of modification failure.
getModificationType() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
Returns a String specifying the type of modification.
getModificationType() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.Property
Obtain the result of the property modification.
getName() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.AgentCapability
Obtain the AgentCapability name.
getName() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionComponent
Return the (unique) name of this KAoSExtensionComponent object.
getName() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.KAoSActor
Obtain the actor's name.
getName() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntInstanceDescription
Get name of the instance
getName() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntPropertyDescription
Get the name of this property.
getName() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.Property
Obtain the property name.
getName() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.Transport
Obtain the Transport name.
getName() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
getNestedProperty(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntInstanceDescription
Get the given property if nested in the train of interrelated instances.
getNestedPropertyValues(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntPropertyDescription
Locate the given property nested within one of the value descriptions for this property and return the set of values for that nested property.
getObligationsForTriggerCondition(ActionInstanceDescription, PolicyDecisionObserver) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyChecking
getObserverManager() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to the ObserverManager.
getOntologicalAttributes() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionComponent
Return the associated ontological concepts for the KAoSExtensionComponent object.
getOntologicalOperations() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.registration.AgentConfiguration
getOntologicalTypes() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.registration.AgentConfiguration
getOntologyDefinitionForConcept(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Get set of urls for the given short concept name.
getOntologyService() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to the OntologyService.
getOntPropertyRep() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.Property
Return mapping from to the OntPropertyDescription.
getPolicies() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
getPoliciesByEntities() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
getPolicy(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
getPolicyAdvice() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to the PolicyAdvice.
getPolicyChecking() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to the PolicyChecking.
getPolicyEnforcement() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to the PolicyEnforcement.
getPolicyManagement() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to the PolicyManagement.
getPolicyUpdateCount() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyAdvice
getProperties() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.KAoSActor
Returns a Hashtable containing a mapping of actor properties.
getProperties() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntInstanceDescription
Get properties of the instance
getProperties() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
getPropertiesApplicableTo(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Get properties applicable to the given class
getPropertiesAsOWL(String, List<Property>, OntologyRepository) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.registration.PropertyUtil
Create list of OWL individuals identified by entityGUID with the given property values assigned
getPropertiesFromAID(ActionInstanceDescription) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.request.ActionMethodRequestHandler
getPropertiesMap() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntInstanceDescription
Get properties of the instance
getProperty(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.KAoSActor
Return the property, whose name is specified
getProperty(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntInstanceDescription
Get property of the instance
getProperty(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.Transport
Obtain a Property of this Transport.
getProperty(String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
getPropertyAsOWL(String, Property, OntologyRepository) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.registration.PropertyUtil
Create an OWL individual identified by entityGUID with the given property values assigned
getPropertyObject() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.Property
Return a Serializable, encapsulating a property, which this Property represents.
getPropertyPopulatorKey() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ActionInstanceDescription
getPropertyValue(Property) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.KAoSActor
Return the value of the given property
getPropertyValue(Property) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
getQueryRegistration() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to the QueryRegistration.
getQueryState() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to the QueryState.
getRangeOnPropertyForClass(String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Get the name of the class defining the range of the specified property for the given class.
getReasonForUnfulfilledObligations() - Method in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.KAoSSecurityException
getReasonForViolation() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.ViolatedObligationDescription
getRegistration() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to the Registration.
getReliability() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.AgentCapability
Obtain a double specifying the reliability of the capability (double/percentage).
getRepositoryManagerType() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionComponentManager
Get the repository type of this manager.
getRepositoryTableInformation() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionComponentManager
This method returns the concepts names and their corresponding component names in a map.
getRequestForInfo() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.AgentCapability
Return Strings describing how to request this capability from an agent.
getRequestManager() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to the RequestManager.
getResourcesWithValueForProperty(String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.query.QueryState
Get values of the variable satisfying the KIF query: (property ?subject value).
getRootDomains() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.query.QueryRegistration
Returns the id of all domains that have no parent domain
getSchema(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Get XML schema of the given concept if such a schema is available
getScope() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.Property
Obtain the scope of the modification: 0 = PUBLIC scope indicates updates to the Directory Service 1 = PRIVATE scope indicates local updates only
getSequenceId() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.Property
Obtain the unique sequence id of this property.
getService(ServiceProperties) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.extension.classification.ClassifierServiceFactory
getService(ServiceProperties) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.extension.history.logging.HistoryMonitorFactory
getService(ServiceProperties) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.extension.obligation.ObligationMonitorFactory
getService(ServiceProperties) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.extension.state.StateMonitorFactory
getServiceRoot(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.transport.TransportSupport
Return KAoSServiceRoot for the specified transportName.
getSpatialReasoner() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to the SpatialReasoner.
getSpecifiedLogs(String, String, String, String, Boolean) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.history.logging.HistoryMonitor
This method returns the logged events specified by the given parameters.
getStateDescription() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.state.StateMonitor
Returns the state ClassDescription containing the name of the state class and a collection of names of properties as defined in the ontology.
getStateMonitor(String) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to the StateMonitor
getStateMonitor(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.state.StateMonitorManager
Return a StateMonitor for the specified ontological type.
getSubClassesOf(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Get set of subclasses of the given class.
getSubdomains(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.query.QueryRegistration
Get the vector of subdomains assigned to this domain.
getSubPropertiesOf(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Get set of subproperties of the given property.
getSuperPropertiesOf(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Get set of superproperties of the given property.
getSupportedTransportsNames() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.transport.TransportSupport
Return the names of the currently supported transports.
getTransport(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.KAoSActor
Return the Transport, whose name is specified.
getTransport(String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
getTransportCallback() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.observe.RemoteKAoSObserver
getTransports() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.KAoSActor
Return the List of valid Transports.
getTransports() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
getTransportSupport() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to the Registration.
getTripleAsOWL(String, String, String, OntologyRepository) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.registration.PropertyUtil
Create an OWL individual identified by the given triple
getTypes() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntInstanceDescription
Get types of the instance
getUltimateOntologyTypesOfIndividual(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Finds the ultimate Ontology type of the provided individual
getUnfulfilledObligations() - Method in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.KAoSSecurityException
getUniqueValueForProperty(String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.query.QueryState
Get a single value of the variable satisfying the KIF query: (property subject ?val).
getValue() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.Property
Obtain the new value of the property.
getValueDescForValue(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntPropertyDescription
Get the optional description of the given property value.
getValues() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntPropertyDescription
Get the values of this property.
getValuesForProperty(String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Get the values of a given property for a given subject
getValuesForProperty(String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.query.QueryRegistration
getValuesForProperty(String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.query.QueryState
Get values of the variable satisfying the KIF query: (property subject ?val).
getViolatedObligations() - Method in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.ObligationViolationException
getXMLToCSILink(String) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
Retrieve a reference to the XMLToCSILink.
GroupRegistration - Interface in kaos.core.csi.registration
Defines the operations to register and deregister entities with group properties


hasFederatePriority - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
hasFederatePriority() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
hasGeoArea - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActorConcepts
hasGeoArea() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActorConcepts
hashCode() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleGuardedSender
Determines the hash code for the SimpleGuardedSender.
hashCode() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleReceiver
hashCode() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleSender
Determines the hash code for the SimpleSender.
HashMapRequestManager - Interface in kaos.core.csi.request
Defines the operations to send a request expressed by a String containing the action name and, in some cases, a HashMap containing the action properties.
HashMapRequestReceiver - Interface in kaos.core.csi.request
Defines the operations to process a request expressed by a name and a HashMap of properties.
hasInfoObject - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
hasInfoObject() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
hasInfoObjectType - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
hasInfoObjectType() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
hasInfoObjectVersion - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
hasInfoObjectVersion() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
hasLocalFederatePriority - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActorConcepts
hasLocalFederatePriority() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActorConcepts
hasMissionId - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActorConcepts
hasMissionId() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActorConcepts
hasPriority - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActorConcepts
hasPriority() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActorConcepts
hasQueryPredicate - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
hasQueryPredicate() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
hasRemoteFederate - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
hasRemoteFederate() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
hasResourceUsageLimit - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
hasResourceUsageLimit() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
hasSecurityLevel - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActorConcepts
hasSecurityLevel() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActorConcepts
hasSubscriptionPredicate - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
hasSubscriptionPredicate() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
HISTORY_MONITORS - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionsTypes
HistoryMonitor - Interface in kaos.core.csi.extension.history.logging
This interface defines methods to access logged events
HistoryMonitorFactory - Class in kaos.core.csi.extension.history.logging
HistoryMonitorFactory() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.extension.history.logging.HistoryMonitorFactory


InfoFedAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
InfoFedAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
InfoFedActionConcepts - Class in kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary
Class generated automatically by kaos.tools.OWLOntologyJavaMapper.
InfoFedActionConcepts() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
InfoFedActionOwlURL() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
InfoFedActorConcepts - Class in kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary
Class generated automatically by kaos.tools.OWLOntologyJavaMapper.
InfoFedActorConcepts() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActorConcepts
InfoFedActorOwlURL() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActorConcepts
InfofedAgent - Class in kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed
User: mbreedy Date: Oct 28, 2009 Time: 1:59:08 PM
InfofedAgent(String, String, Vector, Transport) - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.InfofedAgent
InfoFedPublishAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
InfoFedPublishAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
InfoFedQueryAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
InfoFedQueryAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
InfoFedSubscriptionAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
InfoFedSubscriptionAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
initialize(String, Vector, String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestReceiverUsecase
initialize(String, String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestSenderUsecase
initialize(String, String, Vector) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleGuardedSender
initialize(String, KAoSAgentDescription, String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleReceiver
initialize(String, KAoSAgentDescription, String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleSender
initiateActionClassTargets(String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Get properties applicable to the action class
InstanceClassifier - Interface in kaos.core.csi.extension.classification
Interface to instance classifier $Revision: 1.7 $
InstanceClassifierManager - Interface in kaos.core.csi.extension.classification
This interface defines a factory method for obtaining InstanceClassifier for the given property.
INSTANTIATORS - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionsTypes
InvalidPropertyForMonitoredStateException - Exception in kaos.core.csi.extension.state
Defines an exception to be thrown when a specified property is being requested to be monitored, but the property is not defined in the ontology for the given state class.
InvalidPropertyForMonitoredStateException() - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.extension.state.InvalidPropertyForMonitoredStateException
InvalidPropertyForMonitoredStateException(String) - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.extension.state.InvalidPropertyForMonitoredStateException
InvalidPropertyForMonitoredStateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.extension.state.InvalidPropertyForMonitoredStateException
InvalidPropertyForMonitoredStateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.extension.state.InvalidPropertyForMonitoredStateException
isGuarded() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.KAoSActor
Obtain guarded/unguarded status of this KAoSActor.
isGuarded() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
isListeningForEvent(DirectoryEvent) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleReceiver
isOwnedBy - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActorConcepts
isOwnedBy() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActorConcepts
isRegistered() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.KAoSActor
Obtain registered/unregistered status of this KAoSActor.
isRegistered() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
isStateConformantWithMonitoredState(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.state.StateMonitor
Check if the given state conforms with the monitored state.
isSuccess() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
Obtain the success/failure status of the modification.
isTransportSupported(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.transport.TransportSupport
Answer true if the given transport is supported, otherwise, answer false.


kaos.core.csi - package kaos.core.csi
kaos.core.csi.extension - package kaos.core.csi.extension
kaos.core.csi.extension.classification - package kaos.core.csi.extension.classification
kaos.core.csi.extension.history - package kaos.core.csi.extension.history
kaos.core.csi.extension.history.logging - package kaos.core.csi.extension.history.logging
kaos.core.csi.extension.obligation - package kaos.core.csi.extension.obligation
kaos.core.csi.extension.state - package kaos.core.csi.extension.state
kaos.core.csi.observe - package kaos.core.csi.observe
kaos.core.csi.ontology - package kaos.core.csi.ontology
kaos.core.csi.policy - package kaos.core.csi.policy
kaos.core.csi.policy.enforcement - package kaos.core.csi.policy.enforcement
kaos.core.csi.query - package kaos.core.csi.query
kaos.core.csi.registration - package kaos.core.csi.registration
kaos.core.csi.request - package kaos.core.csi.request
kaos.core.csi.transport - package kaos.core.csi.transport
kaos.core.csi.usecase - package kaos.core.csi.usecase
kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed - package kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed
kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary - package kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary
kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy - package kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy
kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.vocabulary - package kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.vocabulary
kaos.core.csi.usecase.policy - package kaos.core.csi.usecase.policy
KAoSActor - Interface in kaos.core.csi
Defines the operations to access information about a KAoS Actor.
KAoSExtensionComponent - Interface in kaos.core.csi.extension
This interface defines methods to access name and ontological attributes associated with this component $Revision: 1.4 $
KAoSExtensionComponentManager - Interface in kaos.core.csi.extension
This interface is exposed by the KAoS to the outside system allowing them to register with KAoS specific components extending default KAoS functionality.
KAoSExtensionsTypes - Class in kaos.core.csi.extension
List of current types of KAoS extension components
KAoSExtensionsTypes() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionsTypes
KAoSObservable - Interface in kaos.core.csi.observe
Defines the operations to register/deregister and notify KAoSObservers interested in updates when the state of this KAoSObservable changes or an event occurs that is associated with the KAoSObservable.
KAoSObserver - Interface in kaos.core.csi.observe
Defines the operation to receive updates when the KAoSObservable object, with whom this KAoSObserver was registered, changes.
KAoSSecurityException - Exception in kaos.core.csi.policy
KAoSSecurityException defines an exception to be thrown by the Guard if there is no permission ot perform a given action
KAoSSecurityException() - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.policy.KAoSSecurityException
KAoSSecurityException(String) - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.policy.KAoSSecurityException
KAoSWrappedLegacySystem - Class in kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy
KAoSWrappedLegacySystem() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem


legacyAction(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.LegacySystem
Accepts a request for a legacy action in the legacy system.
LegacySystem - Interface in kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy
Defines the operations to process legacy actions.
LegacySystemAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.vocabulary.LegacySystemActionConcepts
LegacySystemAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.vocabulary.LegacySystemActionConcepts
LegacySystemActionConcepts - Class in kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.vocabulary
Class generated automatically by kaos.tools.OWLOntologyJavaMapper.
LegacySystemActionConcepts() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.vocabulary.LegacySystemActionConcepts
LegacySystemActionOwlURL() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.vocabulary.LegacySystemActionConcepts
LegacySystemActorConcepts - Class in kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.vocabulary
Class generated automatically by kaos.tools.OWLOntologyJavaMapper.
LegacySystemActorConcepts() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.vocabulary.LegacySystemActorConcepts
LegacySystemActorOwlURL() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.vocabulary.LegacySystemActorConcepts
LegacySystemClient - Class in kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy
This class illustrates how a legacy client becomes KAoS-aware by simply inheriting from the KAoSActorImpl class, adding the "LegacySystemActorConcepts.LegacySystemUser()" ontological type to its KAoS description and registering with KAoS (all shown in the start() method).
LegacySystemClient(String, String, Vector, Transport) - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.LegacySystemClient
Instantiates a new KAoS-aware LegacySystemClient using KAoS services for transport, naming, agent directory and policy enforcement.
LegacySystemClient(String[]) - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.LegacySystemClient
Instantiates a new KAoS-aware LegacySystemClient using KAoS services for transport, naming, agent directory and policy enforcement.
LegacySystemFactory - Class in kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy
LegacySystemFactory() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.LegacySystemFactory
LegacySystemUser - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.vocabulary.LegacySystemActorConcepts
LegacySystemUser() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.vocabulary.LegacySystemActorConcepts
loadOntologies(List<SerializableOntModelImpl>, boolean) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Adds ontology included in the provide objects into the ontology repository.
loadOntology(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Loads ontology in OWL into the repository of the Ontology Service
loadOntology(SerializableOntModelImpl, boolean) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Adds ontology included in the provide objects into the ontology repository.
loadOntology(String, boolean) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Loads ontology in OWL from given URL into the repository of the Ontology Service
logEvent(ActionInstanceDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.history.EventHistoryComponent
Log an event
logEvent(ActionInstanceDescription) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.extension.history.EventsHistoryManager
LoginSimulationAgent - Class in kaos.core.csi.usecase
$Revision: 1.16 $
LoginSimulationAgent(String, String, List<String>, Transport) - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.usecase.LoginSimulationAgent


main(String[]) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.InfofedAgent
main(String[]) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
main(String[]) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.LegacySystemClient
Obtain a reference to the LegacySystem from the LegacySystemFactory.
main(String[]) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.LoginSimulationAgent
main(String[]) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.policy.ObligationActorForNotificationAction
The command line arguments required to instantiate the ObligationActorForNotificationAction are: -name NotifyAgent -guid NotifyAgent -transport tcp -domains NotifyDomain The -name keyword is followed by the agent's nickname, NotifyAgent - required.
main(String[]) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestReceiverUsecase
main(String[]) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestSenderUsecase
main(String[]) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleGuardedSender
main(String[]) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleReceiver
main(String[]) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleSender
main(String[]) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.TestAgent
ModificationType - Interface in kaos.core.csi.registration
Contains the modification type, its success/failure flag and the description and error code for the modification failure.
modifyEntityProperties(String, List<Property>) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.DirectoryRegistration
Modify properties of the entity identified by the given entityGUID.
modifyEntitySpatialProperties(String, Location3D, Orientation3D, Block3D) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.SpatialRegistration
Modify given spatial properties of the entity identified by the given entityGUID in the KAoS Directory Service *AND* the SpatialReasoner.
modifyObjectSpatialProperties(String, Location3D, Orientation3D, Block3D) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.SpatialRegistration
Modify spatial properties of the object identified by the given objectID in the SpatialReasoner.
ModifyPublishedInfObjectAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
ModifyPublishedInfObjectAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
ModifyQueryAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
ModifyQueryAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
ModifySubscriptionAction - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
ModifySubscriptionAction() - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.infofed.vocabulary.InfoFedActionConcepts
MonitorAction() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestReceiverUsecase


NoSuchActorException - Exception in kaos.core.csi.query
NoSuchActorException defines an exception to be thrown by the QueryRegistration when no actor matching the query properties is found.
NoSuchActorException() - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.query.NoSuchActorException
Constructs a new NoSuchActorException with no detailed message.
NoSuchActorException(String) - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.query.NoSuchActorException
Constructs a new NoSuchActorException with a detail message.
NotificationAction(ActionInstanceDescription, ActionInstanceDescription) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.policy.ObligationActorForNotificationAction
This method is called by the superclass, ObligationRequestReceiverImpl, in order to complete the enforcement of an obligation, which in this case is the NotificationAction.
NotificationException - Exception in kaos.core.csi.observe
Defines an exception to be thrown when an update about an event fails during notification.
NotificationException() - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.observe.NotificationException
Constructs a new NotificationException with no detailed message.
NotificationException(String) - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.observe.NotificationException
Constructs a new NotificationException with a detail message.
notify(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.observe.KAoSObservable
Notify observers interested in the given updateType wiht the given update object.


OBLIGATION_MONITOR - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionsTypes
OBLIGATION_MONITOR_MANAGER_TYPE - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.extension.obligation.ObligationMonitorManager
OBLIGATION_MONITOR_URL - Static variable in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.obligation.ObligationMonitor
OBLIGATION_VIOLATION_UPDATE - Static variable in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.obligation.ObligationMonitor
ObligationActionDescription - Interface in kaos.core.csi.policy
ObligationActorForNotificationAction - Class in kaos.core.csi.usecase.policy
This class is an example of an actor, performing obligations for NotificationAction defined by: http://ontology.ihmc.us/Notification/NotificationAction.owl#NotificationAction.
ObligationActorForNotificationAction(String[]) - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.usecase.policy.ObligationActorForNotificationAction
The command line arguments required to bootstrap an instance of ObligationActorForNotificationAction are: -name NotifyAgent -guid NotifyAgent -transport tcp -domains NotifyDomain The -name keyword is followed by the agent's nickname, NotifyAgent.
obligationFailed(String, ActionInstanceDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.obligation.ObligationMonitor
obligationFulfilled(String, ActionInstanceDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.obligation.ObligationMonitor
ObligationMonitor - Interface in kaos.core.csi.extension.obligation
ObligationMonitorFactory - Class in kaos.core.csi.extension.obligation
This class implements the JAS ServiceFactory interface to instantiate an OntologyAnnotation service and initialize it based on the information provided in the bootstrap file (currently config\guardConfiguration.cfg) in the section: ontology-annotation-service.
ObligationMonitorFactory() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.extension.obligation.ObligationMonitorFactory
ObligationMonitorManager - Class in kaos.core.csi.extension.obligation
This class implements the OntologyAnnotationManager interface, which defines a factory method for obtaining an OntologyAnnotationService, whose ontological type is given.
ObligationRequestManager - Interface in kaos.core.csi.request
Defines the operations to send an obligation request described by an obligation ActionInstanceDescription and trigger ActionInstanceDescription to an entity for execution.
ObligationRequestReceiver - Interface in kaos.core.csi.request
Defines the operations to process an obligation request described by the given obligation ActionInstanceDescription.
OBLIGATIONS_FAILED_ACTOR_NOT_LOCATABLE - Static variable in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.KAoSSecurityException
OBLIGATIONS_FAILED_INCONSISTENT_STATUS - Static variable in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.KAoSSecurityException
OBLIGATIONS_FAILED_SERVICE_FAILURE - Static variable in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.KAoSSecurityException
OBLIGATIONS_NOT_ATTEMPTED - Static variable in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.KAoSSecurityException
ObligationViolationException - Exception in kaos.core.csi.policy
ObligationViolationException defines an exception, which is thrown when the evaluation of a trigger against applicable obligation policy determines that some part of obligation constraint has been violated, or that for some reason an obligation cannot be fulfilled.
ObligationViolationException() - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.policy.ObligationViolationException
ObligationViolationException(String) - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.policy.ObligationViolationException
ObserverManager - Interface in kaos.core.csi.observe
Defines the operations to map KAoSObservers with KAoSObservables and forwards updates from KAoSObservable to the associated KAoSObservers.
onAborted(Calendar, Object, String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.FeedbackReceiver
This method is invoked when the requested action is aborted.
onAborted(Calendar, Object, String, String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestSenderUsecase
This method is invoked when the requested action is aborted.
onAccepted(Calendar, Object, String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.FeedbackReceiver
This method is invoked when the request is accepted by the robot.
onAccepted(Calendar, Object, String, String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestSenderUsecase
This method is invoked when the requested action is accepted by the robot.
onCompleted(Calendar, Object, String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.FeedbackReceiver
This method is invoked upon completion of the request byt the requested robot.
onCompleted(Calendar, Object, String, String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestSenderUsecase
This method is invoked upon completion of the request.
onRefused(Calendar, Object, String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.FeedbackReceiver
This method is invoked when the request is refused by the robot.
onRefused(Calendar, Object, String, String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestSenderUsecase
This method is invoked when the requested action is refused by the entity performing the action.
onStarted(Calendar, Object, String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.FeedbackReceiver
This method is invoked when the robot starts the requested action.
onStarted(Calendar, Object, String, String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestSenderUsecase
This method is invoked when the entity starts the requested action/command.
ONT_CLASSIFY_TYPE - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.extension.classification.ClassifierServiceFactory
OntInstanceDescription - Interface in kaos.core.csi
This interface contains methods allowing to create and investigate a description of an ontology instance.
OntologyService - Interface in kaos.core.csi.ontology
OntPropertyDescription - Interface in kaos.core.csi
This interface contains methods allowing to create and investigate a description of an ontology property.
OWLRequestManager - Interface in kaos.core.csi.request
Defines the operations to send a request expressed by an OWL String.
OWLRequestReceiver - Interface in kaos.core.csi.request
Defines the operations to process a request expressed by an OWL String.


PolicyAdvice - Interface in kaos.core.csi.policy
PolicyAnalysis - Interface in kaos.core.csi.policy
Defines the operations to explore relationships among policies.
PolicyChecking - Interface in kaos.core.csi.policy
Defines the operations to check permissions and get obligations.
PolicyDecisionHistoryComponent - Interface in kaos.core.csi.extension.history
PolicyDecisionObserver - Interface in kaos.core.csi.policy
Defines the operation to receive updates when policy decisions are modified.
PolicyListener - Interface in kaos.core.csi.policy
This interface defines a method to receive an atomic policy update.
PolicyManagement - Interface in kaos.core.csi.policy
Defines the operations to manage policies in KAoS including adding, modifying and removing.
PolicyManagement.OntologyPolicyIncorrect - Exception in kaos.core.csi.policy
PolicyManagement.OntologyPolicyIncorrect() - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement.OntologyPolicyIncorrect
PolicyManagement.OntologyPolicyIncorrect(String) - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement.OntologyPolicyIncorrect
PolicyManagement.PrecedenceUndeterminedException - Exception in kaos.core.csi.policy
PolicyManagement.PrecedenceUndeterminedException(String, List<String>) - Constructor for exception kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement.PrecedenceUndeterminedException
policyWithTheSamePriorityInRepository - Variable in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement.PrecedenceUndeterminedException
processAIDRequest(ActionInstanceDescription, ActionStatusCallback) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.request.ActionMethodRequestHandler
This method accepts a request described by an ActionInstanceDescription to perform an action.
processAIDRequest(ActionInstanceDescription) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.request.ActionMethodRequestHandler
This method accepts a request described in an ActionInstanceDescription to perform an action.
processAIDRequest(ActionInstanceDescription, ActionStatusCallback) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.AIDRequestReceiver
This method accepts a request described by an ActionInstanceDescription to perform an action.
processAIDRequest(ActionInstanceDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.AIDRequestReceiver
This method accepts a request described in an ActionInstanceDescription to perform an action.
processHashMapRequest(String, HashMap, ActionStatusCallback) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.request.ActionMethodRequestHandler
This method accepts a request described by the given String and HashMap of properties.
processHashMapRequest(String, ActionStatusCallback) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.request.ActionMethodRequestHandler
This method accepts a request described by the given String containing the action name.
processHashMapRequest(String, HashMap) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.request.ActionMethodRequestHandler
This method accepts a request described by the given String and HashMap of properties.
processHashMapRequest(String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.request.ActionMethodRequestHandler
This method accepts a request described by the given String containing action name.
processHashMapRequest(String, HashMap, ActionStatusCallback) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.HashMapRequestReceiver
This method accepts a request described by the given String containing action name and HashMap of properties.
processHashMapRequest(String, ActionStatusCallback) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.HashMapRequestReceiver
This method accepts a request described by the given String containing the action name.
processHashMapRequest(String, HashMap) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.HashMapRequestReceiver
This method accepts a request described by the given String containing action name and HashMap of properties.
processHashMapRequest(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.HashMapRequestReceiver
This method accepts a request described by the given String containing action name.
processObligationRequest(ActionInstanceDescription, ActionInstanceDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.ObligationRequestReceiver
This method accepts an obligation request to execute by the ObligationRequestReceiver.
processOWLRequest(String, ActionStatusCallback) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.OWLRequestReceiver
This method accepts a request described by an OWL String to perform an action.
processOWLRequest(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.OWLRequestReceiver
This method accepts a request described by an OWL String to perform an action.
Property - Interface in kaos.core.csi.registration
Specifies operations used to update entity properties.
PropertyUtil - Class in kaos.core.csi.registration
PropertyUtil() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.registration.PropertyUtil
putSchema(String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Add an XML schema for the given concept


QueryRegistration - Interface in kaos.core.csi.query
Defines the operations to query the different aspects of domain and actor registrations
QueryState - Interface in kaos.core.csi.query
Defines the operations to query the different aspect of state stored in the Directory Service


receiveDirectoryEvent(DirectoryEvent) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleReceiver
receiveKAoSStatus(String, String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.FeedbackReceiver
Receive a status message describing the execution of the requested action.
receiveKAoSStatus(String, String, String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestSenderUsecase
Receive a status message describing the execution of the requested action.
receiveMessage(Serializable, KAoSActor) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.KAoSActor
Receive the specified message content from the given KAoSActor.
receiveMessage(Serializable, KAoSActor) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
receiveMessage(TransportMessage) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleGuardedSender
Implements the receiveMessage method mandated by the MessageListener interface.
receiveMessage(TransportMessage) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleReceiver
Implements the receiveMessage method mandated by the MessageListener interface.
receiveMessage(TransportMessage) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleSender
Implements the receiveMessage method mandated by the MessageListener interface.
registerComponent(KAoSExtensionComponent) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionComponentManager
Register a specific KAoSExtensionComponent with KAoS
registerDomain(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.DirectoryRegistration
Register domain with the given name in the KAoS Directory Service.
registerDomain(String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.DirectoryRegistration
Register domain with the given name in the KAoS Directory Service.
registerDomain(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.DomainRegistration
Register domain with the given name in the KAoS Directory Service.
registerEntity(AgentDescription, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.DirectoryRegistration
Register the entity described by the given AgentDescription in the KAoS Directory Service.
registerEntityHostingEnv(EntityHostEnvDescription, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.DomainRegistration
Register the entity hosting environment described by the given EntityHostEnvDescription in the KAoS Directory Service.
registerEntityInDomain(DomainDescription, KAoSEntityDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.DomainRegistration
Register the entity described by the given KAoSEntityDescription in the specified domain.
registerEntityWithProperties(AgentDescription, List<Property>, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.DirectoryRegistration
Register the entity described as simpler method registerEntity but also register properties of this agent
registerEntityWithSpatialProperties(AgentDescription, Location3D, Orientation3D, Block3D, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.SpatialRegistration
Register the entity as the simpler method registerEntity but also its spatial properties in the KAoS Directory Service *AND* the SpatialReasoner.
registerKAoSExtensionComponentObserver(String, String, KAoSObserver, String, Serializable, KAoSEntityDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.observe.ObserverManager
registerObjectWithSpatialProperties(String, Set, Location3D, Orientation3D, Block3D) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.SpatialRegistration
Register object identified by the given objectID and its spatial properties in the SpatialReasoner.
registerObjectWithSpatialProperties(String, Set, Orientation3D, Vector<Location3D>) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.SpatialRegistration
Register object identified by the given objectID and its spatial properties in the SpatialReasoner.
registerObserver(String, Object, KAoSObserver) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.observe.KAoSObservable
Register the given KAoSObserver with this KAoSObservable for updates described by the updateType and updateConstraints.
registerObserver(KAoSObserver, String, Serializable, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.observe.ObserverManager
Register the given KAoSObserver with the KAoSObservable, whose GUID is given for updates described by the updateType and updateConditions.
registerObserver(KAoSObserver, String, Serializable, KAoSEntityDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.observe.ObserverManager
Register the given KAoSObserver with the KAoSObservable, whose KAoSEntityDescription is given, for updates described by the updateType and updateConstraints.
registerObserver(KAoSObserver, String, Serializable, String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.observe.ObserverManager
Register the given KAoSObserver with the KAoSObservable, whose GUID is given for updates described by the updateType and updateConditions.
Registration - Interface in kaos.core.csi.registration
Defines the operations to register and deregister entities and entity hosting environments in the KAoS Directory Service and operations to modify the registration information, to register entitites in KAoS Domain and to maintain domain hierarchy.
RemoteKAoSObserver - Interface in kaos.core.csi.observe
Defines the operation to receive updates when the KAoSObservable object, with whom this KAoSObserver was registered, changes.
removeAllKAoSExtensionComponents() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionComponentManager
Remove all components contained in this repository.
removeAllValues() - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntPropertyDescription
Clear the property value.
removeChildFromDomain(DomainDescription, DomainDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.DomainHierarchyConfiguration
Add the childDomain as a child of the specified domain.
removeConstructedOntologyStructure(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
This method removes a user defined ontology structure identified by the id from the repository.
removeConstructedOntologyStructures(List<String>) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
This method removes multiple user defined ontology structure identified by the id from the repository.
removeGroupLeader(String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.GroupRegistration
Remove the specified actor as a leader of the given group.
removePolicies(List<PolicyMsg>) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
removePolicy(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
removePolicy(PolicyMsg) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
removePolicyUpdateListener(PolicyListener) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
removeProperty(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.state.StateMonitor
Remove the property with the given name from the collection of monitored properties.
removeProperty(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntInstanceDescription
Get property from the instance description
removeType(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntInstanceDescription
Remove the ontology type of this instance.
removeValue(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntPropertyDescription
Remove the property value.
removeValueDescForValue(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntPropertyDescription
Remove the optional description of the given property value.
REPLACE - Static variable in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
reportTrigger(ActionInstanceDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.obligation.ObligationMonitor
requestActionFromLegacySystem(LegacySystem) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.LegacySystemClient
RequestManager - Interface in kaos.core.csi.request
Defines the operations to process a request expressed by an ActionInstanceDescription, HashMap or an OWL String.
RequestReceiver - Interface in kaos.core.csi.request
Defines the operations to process a request expressed by an ActionInstanceDescription, HashMap or an OWL String.
RequestReceiverUsecase - Class in kaos.core.csi.usecase
This class ilistrates an implementation of a CSI RequestReceiver: an entity capable of receiving and processing requests for actions defined in kaos ontologies.
RequestReceiverUsecase() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestReceiverUsecase
RequestSenderUsecase - Class in kaos.core.csi.usecase
$Revision: 1.4 $
RequestSenderUsecase() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestSenderUsecase
runTests(String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.TestAgent


sendAIDRequest(FeedbackReceiver, String, ActionInstanceDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.AIDRequestManager
This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverID to perform an action described by the given ActionInstanceDescription.
sendAIDRequest(FeedbackReceiver, KAoSEntityDescription, ActionInstanceDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.AIDRequestManager
This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverDesc to perform an action described by the given ActionInstanceDescription.
sendAIDRequest(String, ActionInstanceDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.AIDRequestManager
This method sends a request described by an ActionInstanceDescription to perform an action by an entity identified by the receiverID.
sendAIDRequest(KAoSEntityDescription, ActionInstanceDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.AIDRequestManager
This method sends a request described by an ActionInstanceDescription to perform an action by an entity identified by the KAoSEntityDescription.
sendHashMapRequest(FeedbackReceiver, String, String, HashMap) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.HashMapRequestManager
This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverID to perform an action described by the given String and a HashMap containing the action properties.
sendHashMapRequest(FeedbackReceiver, String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.HashMapRequestManager
This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverID to perform an action described by the actionName.
sendHashMapRequest(FeedbackReceiver, KAoSEntityDescription, String, HashMap) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.HashMapRequestManager
This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverDesc to perform an action described by actionName and a HashMap containing the action properties.
sendHashMapRequest(FeedbackReceiver, KAoSEntityDescription, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.HashMapRequestManager
This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverDesc to perform an action described by actionName.
sendHashMapRequest(String, String, HashMap) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.HashMapRequestManager
This method sends a request described by actionName and a HashMap containing the action properties to perform an action by an entity identified by the receiverID.
sendHashMapRequest(String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.HashMapRequestManager
This method sends a request described by the given actionName to perform by an entity identified by the receiverID.
sendHashMapRequest(KAoSEntityDescription, String, HashMap) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.HashMapRequestManager
This method sends a request described by actionName and properties to perform an action by an entity identified by the receiverDesc.
sendHashMapRequest(KAoSEntityDescription, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.HashMapRequestManager
This method sends a request described by actionName to perform an action by an entity identified by the receiverDesc.
sendMessage(Serializable, KAoSActor) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.KAoSActor
Send the specified message content to the given KAoSActor.
sendMessage(Serializable, KAoSActor) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
sendMessageTo(KAoSAgentDescription, TransportMessage, Serializable) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.transport.TransportSupport
Send the given message content to the receiver, from whom the receivedMsg was received.
sendMessageTo(Locator, Locator, String, String, String, Serializable, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.transport.TransportSupport
Send the given message content to the receiver, whose Locator is given.
sendMessageTo(Locator, Locator, String, String, String, Serializable) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.transport.TransportSupport
Send the given message content to the receiver, whose Locator is given.
sendMessageTo(String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleGuardedSender
sendMessageTo(String) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleSender
sendObligationRequest(KAoSEntityDescription, ActionInstanceDescription, ActionInstanceDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.ObligationRequestManager
This method sends an obligation request to an entity identified by the given receiverDesc to execute an obligation action described by the given obligation ActionInstanceDescription and the trigger ActionInstanceDescription.
sendObligationRequest(String, ActionInstanceDescription, ActionInstanceDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.ObligationRequestManager
This method sends an obligation request to an entity identified by its unique ID to execute an obligation action described by the given obligation ActionInstanceDescription and the trigger ActionInstanceDescription.
sendOWLRequest(FeedbackReceiver, String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.OWLRequestManager
This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverID to perform an action described by the given String, which is in the OWL format.
sendOWLRequest(FeedbackReceiver, KAoSEntityDescription, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.OWLRequestManager
This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverDesc to perform an action described by the given String, which is in the OWL format.
sendOWLRequest(String, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.OWLRequestManager
This method sends a request described by an OWL String to perform an action by an entity identified by the receiverID.
sendOWLRequest(KAoSEntityDescription, String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.request.OWLRequestManager
This method sends a request described by an OWL String to perform an action by an entity identified by the KAoSEntityDescription.
setAlternateActors(Set<String>) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.ObligationActionDescription
setConceptMappingName(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ActionInstanceDescription
Set the name of the concept mapping.
setCost(double) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.AgentCapability
Set the capability cost
setCurrentTransport(String) - Static method in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
setDescription(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.Property
Set the OWL description of the property to be modified.
setEnabledStatus(boolean) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionComponent
Set 'true/false', indicating the 'enabled/disabled' status of the component.
setForbiddingPolicyIDs(List<String>) - Method in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.KAoSSecurityException
setKeywords(List<String>) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.AgentCapability
Set the keywords used to search for this capability.
setModificationFailureCode(int) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
Store the error code of the modification failure.
setModificationFailureDescription(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
Store the description of modification failure.
setModificationType(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
Set the type of the modification.
setModificationType(ModificationType) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.Property
Set the result of the property modification.
setName(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.AgentCapability
Set the name of this AgentCapability.
setName(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionComponent
Set the name of this component.
setName(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.Property
Set the property name.
setName(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.Transport
Set the name of this Transport.
setOntologyInterfaces(OntologyService) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.classification.InstanceClassifier
TODO: remove it when OntologyService become available in CSI Set optional OntologyService to be used to retrieve a missing ontology definition of not provided explicitly in the classify method arguments
setParentForDomain(DomainDescription, DomainDescription) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.DomainHierarchyConfiguration
Set as a the parent the given parentDomain for the specified domain.
setPolicies(List<PolicyMsg>) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyListener
Replace the current policy set with the given set
setProperties(ServiceProperties) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionComponent
Set the properties of this component, if there are any.
setProperty(Property) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.Transport
Set a property for this Transport.
setPropertyObject(Serializable) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.Property
Set the given Serializable property, which this Property represents.
setPropertyPopulatorKey(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ActionInstanceDescription
setReasonForUnfulfilledObligations(String) - Method in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.KAoSSecurityException
setReasonForViolation(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.ViolatedObligationDescription
setRegistered(boolean) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.KAoSActor
Set the registered/unregistered status of this KAoSActor.
setRegistered(boolean) - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
setReliability(double) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.AgentCapability
Set the reliability of the capability (double/percentage).
setRequestForInfo(List<String>) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.AgentCapability
Set a List of Strings describing how an agent requests another agent to perform the capability.
setScope(int) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.Property
Set the scope of the modification: 0 = PUBLIC scope indicates updates to the Directory Service 1 = PRIVATE scope indicates local updates only
setSuccess(boolean) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.ModificationType
Set the success/failure status of the modification.
setUnfulfilledObligations(List<ActionInstanceDescription>) - Method in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.KAoSSecurityException
setValue(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntPropertyDescription
Set the value to this property, if previous values exists they will be deleted
setValue(Serializable) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.registration.Property
Set the new value of the property.
setValueDescForValue(String, Object) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.OntPropertyDescription
Set the optional description of the given property value.
setViolatedObligations(List<ViolatedObligationDescription>) - Method in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.ObligationViolationException
SimpleGuardedSender - Class in kaos.core.csi.usecase
$Revision: 1.6 $
SimpleGuardedSender() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleGuardedSender
SimpleReceiver - Class in kaos.core.csi.usecase
$Revision: 1.7 $
SimpleReceiver() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleReceiver
SimpleSender - Class in kaos.core.csi.usecase
$Revision: 1.3 $
SimpleSender() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleSender
SpatialRegistration - Interface in kaos.core.csi.registration
Defines the operations to register and deregister entities with spatial properties
start() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.LegacySystemClient
Add the "LegacySystemUser" ontological type to the description of this client that will be stored in the KAoS Directory Service.
start() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.policy.ObligationActorForNotificationAction
In this method, this obligation actor continues its policy- and application-specific instantiation: - specifies ontological type of a NotificationAgent in its KAoSAgentDescription - registers with KAoS - initializes its vars - creates its gui - obtains a reference the CSI Query Service needed to obtain addresses to send notifications via email - initializes the notification modes
STATE_MONITOR_TYPE - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.extension.state.StateMonitorFactory
STATE_MONITORS - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionsTypes
StateMonitor - Interface in kaos.core.csi.extension.state
Defines the operations for a class monitoring the state of an action.
StateMonitorFactory - Class in kaos.core.csi.extension.state
This class implements the JAS ServiceFactory interface to instantiate a StateMonitorManager and initialize it based on the information provided in the bootstrap file (currently config\guardConfiguration.cfg) in the section: stateMonitor-service $Revision: 1.2 $
StateMonitorFactory() - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.extension.state.StateMonitorFactory
StateMonitorManager - Interface in kaos.core.csi.extension.state
This interface defines a factory method for obtaining a StateMonitor for the given ontological type, representing a state.
SUPPORTED_TRANSPORTS - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory


TCP_TRANSPORT - Static variable in class kaos.core.csi.CSIFactory
test() - Method in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestSenderUsecase
TestAgent - Class in kaos.core.csi.usecase
TestAgent(String, String, Vector, Transport) - Constructor for class kaos.core.csi.usecase.TestAgent
testTrue(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.ontology.OntologyService
Test if the KIF statemant is true according to the ontologies in the ontology repository.
testTrue(String) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.query.QueryState
Test if the KIF statement is true according to the ontologies in the ontology repository.
Transport - Interface in kaos.core.csi
Defines the operations to store and access information about a given Transport.
TransportSupport - Interface in kaos.core.csi.transport
This interface defines the operations to bind an entity, whose KAoSAgentDescription or Locator is given to the specified transport and to send messages via a given transport.


uncommittedPolicies - Variable in exception kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement.PrecedenceUndeterminedException
update(String, String, Object, Object) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.observe.KAoSObserver
Receive an update from the KAoSObservable when the KAoSObservable has a change or event to report.
updatePolicies(List<PolicyMsg>, List<PolicyMsg>, List<PolicyMsg>) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyListener
Receive policy updates and apply them accordingly.
updatePolicies(List<PolicyMsg>, List<PolicyMsg>, List<PolicyMsg>) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.policy.PolicyManagement
updateProperty(String, String, Object) - Method in interface kaos.core.csi.extension.state.StateMonitor
Update property described by the given name, value, and value description (if any).


ViolatedObligationDescription - Interface in kaos.core.csi.policy


_agentDescription - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleGuardedSender
This class llustrates an implementation of a SimpleGuardedSender: an entity registered with KAoS via its Guard and capable of sending messages to other entities registered in the KAoS Directory Service.
_agentDescription - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleReceiver
This class illustrates an implementation of a SimpleReceiver: an entity capable of receiving messages.
_agentDescription - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleSender
This class llustrates an implementation of a SimpleSender: an entity capable of sending messages.
_emailClient - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.policy.ObligationActorForNotificationAction
_kaosActor - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
_nickname - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestSenderUsecase
_notifyWnd - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.policy.ObligationActorForNotificationAction
_pagerClient - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.policy.ObligationActorForNotificationAction
_policyChecking - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleGuardedSender
_policyService - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.request.ActionMethodRequestHandler
_query - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.RequestSenderUsecase
_query - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleGuardedSender
_query - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleSender
_queryState - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.policy.ObligationActorForNotificationAction
_sentNotifications - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.policy.ObligationActorForNotificationAction
_transportSupport - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleGuardedSender
_transportSupport - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleReceiver
_transportSupport - Variable in class kaos.core.csi.usecase.SimpleSender

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