Class KAoSWrappedLegacySystem

  extended by kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.LegacySystemImpl
      extended by kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
All Implemented Interfaces:
KAoSActor, LegacySystem

public class KAoSWrappedLegacySystem
extends kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.LegacySystemImpl
implements KAoSActor

KAoS Team

Field Summary
protected  kaos.core.csi.KAoSActorImpl _kaosActor
Constructor Summary
protected KAoSWrappedLegacySystem()
Method Summary
 java.util.List getCapabilities()
          Obtain the collection of AgentCapabilities of this KAoSActor.
 java.lang.String getConceptMappingName()
          Get the name of the concept mapping between the entity system's ontological concepts and KAoS ontology.
 java.util.List getDomainNames()
          Returns a List of String containing the names of domains the actor is registered in.
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getEntityOntologicalTypeNames()
          Obtain the collection of just names of ontological types of KAoS entity described by this KAoSActorDescription.
 java.util.Map getEntityOntologicalTypes()
          Obtain the collection of ontological types of this KAoSActorDescription.
 java.lang.String getGUID()
          Obtain the actor's globally unique identifier.
static LegacySystem getInstance(java.lang.String[] args)
          Retrieve a reference to the LegacySystem.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Obtain the actor's name.
 java.util.Hashtable getProperties()
          Returns a Hashtable containing a mapping of actor properties.
 Property getProperty(java.lang.String name)
          Return the property, whose name is specified
 java.lang.Object getPropertyValue(Property property)
          Return the value of the given property
 Transport getTransport(java.lang.String name)
          Return the Transport, whose name is specified.
 java.util.List getTransports()
          Return the List of valid Transports.
 boolean isGuarded()
          Obtain guarded/unguarded status of this KAoSActor.
 boolean isRegistered()
          Obtain registered/unregistered status of this KAoSActor.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
 void receiveMessage(java.io.Serializable messageContent, KAoSActor sender)
          Receive the specified message content from the given KAoSActor.
 void sendMessage(java.io.Serializable messageContent, KAoSActor receiver)
          Send the specified message content to the given KAoSActor.
 void setRegistered(boolean registered)
          Set the registered/unregistered status of this KAoSActor.
Methods inherited from class kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy.LegacySystemImpl
anotherLegacyAction, legacyAction
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected kaos.core.csi.KAoSActorImpl _kaosActor
Constructor Detail


protected KAoSWrappedLegacySystem()
Method Detail


public static LegacySystem getInstance(java.lang.String[] args)
                                throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieve a reference to the LegacySystem.

args - are the command line args for the LegacySystemEnforcerImpl. They are: -transport tcp -domains LegacyDomain
a reference to the RequestManager


public java.lang.String getConceptMappingName()
Description copied from interface: KAoSActor
Get the name of the concept mapping between the entity system's ontological concepts and KAoS ontology.

Specified by:
getConceptMappingName in interface KAoSActor
String specifying the name of the mapping to be used to translate ontological names from the entity system to KAoS ontologies. The default name is "KAoS" indicating KAoS ontologies to be used, no translation necessary.


public java.util.List getDomainNames()
Description copied from interface: KAoSActor
Returns a List of String containing the names of domains the actor is registered in. Note: When the actor first registers with the DS, this List is checked and, if not empty, the actor will be registered in the specified domains. Subsequently, if the actor wants to register in additional domains, then the actor has to lookup the desired domain and register in it via the Domain.registerAgent() method, which will update this List after successful registration.

Specified by:
getDomainNames in interface KAoSActor
List of domain names contained by this KAoSActorDescription.


public java.lang.String getGUID()
Description copied from interface: KAoSActor
Obtain the actor's globally unique identifier.

Specified by:
getGUID in interface KAoSActor
String representing the actor's guid.


public java.lang.String getName()
Description copied from interface: KAoSActor
Obtain the actor's name.

Specified by:
getName in interface KAoSActor
String representing the actor's name.


public java.util.Map getEntityOntologicalTypes()
Description copied from interface: KAoSActor
Obtain the collection of ontological types of this KAoSActorDescription. Presently, the types are defined by constants in kaos.ontology.vocabulary.ActorConcepts.

Specified by:
getEntityOntologicalTypes in interface KAoSActor
Map containing mappings of ontological type names -> OWL descriptions of the types or null, if ontological types have not been set.


public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getEntityOntologicalTypeNames()
Description copied from interface: KAoSActor
Obtain the collection of just names of ontological types of KAoS entity described by this KAoSActorDescription. Presently, the types are defined by constants in kaos.ontology.jena.ActorConcepts.

Specified by:
getEntityOntologicalTypeNames in interface KAoSActor
Enumeration containing names of ontological types or null, if there no types specified in the KAoSActorDescription.


public boolean isGuarded()
Description copied from interface: KAoSActor
Obtain guarded/unguarded status of this KAoSActor.

Specified by:
isGuarded in interface KAoSActor
boolean indicating whether the KAoSActor is guarded.


public boolean isRegistered()
Description copied from interface: KAoSActor
Obtain registered/unregistered status of this KAoSActor.

Specified by:
isRegistered in interface KAoSActor
boolean indicating whether the KAoSActor has been registered in the KAoS DS.


public void setRegistered(boolean registered)
Description copied from interface: KAoSActor
Set the registered/unregistered status of this KAoSActor.

Specified by:
setRegistered in interface KAoSActor
registered - boolean indicating whether the KAoSActor has been registered in the KAoS DS.


public java.util.List getCapabilities()
Description copied from interface: KAoSActor
Obtain the collection of AgentCapabilities of this KAoSActor.

Specified by:
getCapabilities in interface KAoSActor
List of AgentCapability describing the capabilities of the actor.


public java.util.Hashtable getProperties()
Description copied from interface: KAoSActor
Returns a Hashtable containing a mapping of actor properties. The key is the Property name, the value is the Property. These properties are stored in the Directory Service.

Specified by:
getProperties in interface KAoSActor
Map of actor's properties.


public Property getProperty(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: KAoSActor
Return the property, whose name is specified

Specified by:
getProperty in interface KAoSActor
name - String containing the name of the property to be returned.


public java.lang.Object getPropertyValue(Property property)
Description copied from interface: KAoSActor
Return the value of the given property

Specified by:
getPropertyValue in interface KAoSActor
property - Property, whose value is to be returned.
Object containing the given Property value.


public void sendMessage(java.io.Serializable messageContent,
                        KAoSActor receiver)
                 throws NotLocatableException,
Description copied from interface: KAoSActor
Send the specified message content to the given KAoSActor.

Specified by:
sendMessage in interface KAoSActor
messageContent - Serializable containing the message to be sent out.
receiver - KAoSActor representing the receiver.
NotLocatableException - when the receiver cannot be located.
TransportFailure - when the transport system fails.


public void receiveMessage(java.io.Serializable messageContent,
                           KAoSActor sender)
Description copied from interface: KAoSActor
Receive the specified message content from the given KAoSActor.

Specified by:
receiveMessage in interface KAoSActor
messageContent - Serializable containing the received message.
sender - KAoSActor representing the sender.


public java.util.List getTransports()
Description copied from interface: KAoSActor
Return the List of valid Transports.

Specified by:
getTransports in interface KAoSActor
List containing the supported Transport.


public Transport getTransport(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: KAoSActor
Return the Transport, whose name is specified.

Specified by:
getTransport in interface KAoSActor
name - String containing the Transport name to be retrieved.
Transport whose name was specified.


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
args -

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