Interface OWLRequestReceiver

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface OWLRequestReceiver

Defines the operations to process a request expressed by an OWL String.

KAoS Team

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object processOWLRequest(java.lang.String owlActionDescription)
          This method accepts a request described by an OWL String to perform an action.
 void processOWLRequest(java.lang.String owlActionDescription, kaos.core.service.ontology.request.ActionStatusCallback statusCallback)
          This method accepts a request described by an OWL String to perform an action.

Method Detail


void processOWLRequest(java.lang.String owlActionDescription,
                       kaos.core.service.ontology.request.ActionStatusCallback statusCallback)
                       throws ActionFailureException
This method accepts a request described by an OWL String to perform an action. Feedback from the action execution is sent to the requestor via the given ActionStatusCallback.

owlActionDescription - is an OWL String that describes the action. It includes the action name and all action properties and their values.
statusCallback - ActionStatusCallback to be called to pass back to the action requestor information about progression of the action execution and the final result.
ActionFailureException - containing the reason for failure. See ontology to determine specific reasons available for a given action


java.lang.Object processOWLRequest(java.lang.String owlActionDescription)
                                   throws ActionFailureException
This method accepts a request described by an OWL String to perform an action. The result is returned synchronously.

owlActionDescription - is an OWL String that describes the action. It includes the action name and all action properties and their values.
Object containing the final result of the action.
ActionFailureException - containing the reason for failure. See ontology to determine specific reasons available for a given action

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