Package kaos.core.csi.request

Interface Summary
AIDRequestManager Defines the operations to send a request expressed by an ActionInstanceDescription to a given entity identified either by a unique guid or a KAoSEntityDescription.
AIDRequestReceiver Defines the operations to process a request expressed by an ActionInstanceDescription.
HashMapRequestManager Defines the operations to send a request expressed by a String containing the action name and, in some cases, a HashMap containing the action properties.
HashMapRequestReceiver Defines the operations to process a request expressed by a name and a HashMap of properties.
ObligationRequestManager Defines the operations to send an obligation request described by an obligation ActionInstanceDescription and trigger ActionInstanceDescription to an entity for execution.
ObligationRequestReceiver Defines the operations to process an obligation request described by the given obligation ActionInstanceDescription.
OWLRequestManager Defines the operations to send a request expressed by an OWL String.
OWLRequestReceiver Defines the operations to process a request expressed by an OWL String.
RequestManager Defines the operations to process a request expressed by an ActionInstanceDescription, HashMap or an OWL String.
RequestReceiver Defines the operations to process a request expressed by an ActionInstanceDescription, HashMap or an OWL String.

Class Summary
ActionMethodRequestHandler This class implements the operations to receive and process requests for actions.

Exception Summary
ActionFailureException Defines an exception to be thrown when the requested action fails.

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