Interface ObligationRequestReceiver

All Known Implementing Classes:
ObligationActorForNotificationAction, kaos.core.csi.request.ObligationRequestReceiverImpl

public interface ObligationRequestReceiver

Defines the operations to process an obligation request described by the given obligation ActionInstanceDescription. In addition, the obligation trigger is given as well to provide more information about the context, in which the trigger action has occurred.

KAoS Team

Method Summary
 void processObligationRequest(ActionInstanceDescription obligationAID, ActionInstanceDescription triggerAID)
          This method accepts an obligation request to execute by the ObligationRequestReceiver.

Method Detail


void processObligationRequest(ActionInstanceDescription obligationAID,
                              ActionInstanceDescription triggerAID)
                              throws ActionFailureException
This method accepts an obligation request to execute by the ObligationRequestReceiver. The obligation is described by the given ActionInstanceDescription. Also the trigger ActionInstanceDescription is given for the contextual information of the trigger action.

obligationAID - is an ActionInstanceDescription containing the obligation action name and its properties.
triggerAID - is an ActionInstanceDescription containing the trigger action name and its properties.
ActionFailureException - containing the reason for failure. See ontology to determine specific reasons available for a given action

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