Interface HashMapRequestManager

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface HashMapRequestManager

Defines the operations to send a request expressed by a String containing the action name and, in some cases, a HashMap containing the action properties.

KAoS Team

Method Summary
 java.lang.String sendHashMapRequest(FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver, kaos.core.service.directory.KAoSEntityDescription receiverDesc, java.lang.String actionName)
          This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverDesc to perform an action described by actionName.
 java.lang.String sendHashMapRequest(FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver, kaos.core.service.directory.KAoSEntityDescription receiverDesc, java.lang.String actionName, java.util.HashMap properties)
          This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverDesc to perform an action described by actionName and a HashMap containing the action properties.
 java.lang.String sendHashMapRequest(FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver, java.lang.String receiverID, java.lang.String actionName)
          This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverID to perform an action described by the actionName.
 java.lang.String sendHashMapRequest(FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver, java.lang.String receiverID, java.lang.String actionName, java.util.HashMap properties)
          This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverID to perform an action described by the given String and a HashMap containing the action properties.
 java.lang.Object sendHashMapRequest(kaos.core.service.directory.KAoSEntityDescription receiverDesc, java.lang.String actionName)
          This method sends a request described by actionName to perform an action by an entity identified by the receiverDesc.
 java.lang.Object sendHashMapRequest(kaos.core.service.directory.KAoSEntityDescription receiverDesc, java.lang.String actionName, java.util.HashMap properties)
          This method sends a request described by actionName and properties to perform an action by an entity identified by the receiverDesc.
 java.lang.Object sendHashMapRequest(java.lang.String receiverID, java.lang.String actionName)
          This method sends a request described by the given actionName to perform by an entity identified by the receiverID.
 java.lang.Object sendHashMapRequest(java.lang.String receiverID, java.lang.String actionName, java.util.HashMap properties)
          This method sends a request described by actionName and a HashMap containing the action properties to perform an action by an entity identified by the receiverID.

Method Detail


java.lang.String sendHashMapRequest(FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver,
                                    java.lang.String receiverID,
                                    java.lang.String actionName,
                                    java.util.HashMap properties)
                                    throws ActionFailureException,
This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverID to perform an action described by the given String and a HashMap containing the action properties. Feedback from the action execution is sent to the given feedbackReceiver.

feedbackReceiver - is the FeedbackReceiver requesting the action. All feedback from the action execution will be sent to it.
receiverID - is the String that identifies the entity, which is requested to perform the action. The receiverID is the one that the action executor has registered with KAoS.
actionName - is a String representing the name of the action as defined in the associated ontology.
properties - is a HashMap of ontological Strings representing the desired properties of the action and the associated values.
String containing the unique id of the requested action. This id may be used by the FeedbackReceiver to track the status of action execution.
ActionFailureException - containing the reason for failure. See ontology to determine specific reasons available for a given action
NotLocatableException - when the entity reqested to perform the action cannot be located.
TransportFailure - when the request cannot be sent due to transport failure.


java.lang.String sendHashMapRequest(FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver,
                                    java.lang.String receiverID,
                                    java.lang.String actionName)
                                    throws ActionFailureException,
This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverID to perform an action described by the actionName. Feedback from the action execution is sent to the given feedbackReceiver.

feedbackReceiver - is the FeedbackReceiver requesting the action. All feedback from the action execution will be sent to it.
receiverID - is the String that identifies the entity, which is requested to perform the action. The receiverID is the one that the action executor has registered with KAoS.
actionName - is a String representing the name of the action as defined in the associated ontology.
String containing the unique id of the requested action. This id may be used by the FeedbackReceiver to track the status of action execution.
ActionFailureException - containing the reason for failure. See ontology to determine specific reasons available for a given action
NotLocatableException - when the entity reqested to perform the action cannot be located.
TransportFailure - when the request cannot be sent due to transport failure.


java.lang.String sendHashMapRequest(FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver,
                                    kaos.core.service.directory.KAoSEntityDescription receiverDesc,
                                    java.lang.String actionName,
                                    java.util.HashMap properties)
                                    throws ActionFailureException,
This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverDesc to perform an action described by actionName and a HashMap containing the action properties. Feedback from the action execution is sent to the given feedbackReceiver.

feedbackReceiver - is the FeedbackReceiver requesting the action. All feedback from the action execution will be sent to it.
receiverDesc - is a KAosEntityDescription of the entity, which is requested to perform the action.
actionName - is a String representing the name of the action as defined in the associated ontology.
properties - is a HashMap of ontological Strings representing the desired properties of the action and the associated values.
String containing the unique id of the requested action. This id may be used by the FeedbackReceiver to track the status of the action execution.
ActionFailureException - containing the reason for failure. See ontology to determine specific reasons available for a given action
NotLocatableException - when the entity reqested to perform the action cannot be located.
TransportFailure - when the request cannot be sent due to transport failure.


java.lang.String sendHashMapRequest(FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver,
                                    kaos.core.service.directory.KAoSEntityDescription receiverDesc,
                                    java.lang.String actionName)
                                    throws ActionFailureException,
This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverDesc to perform an action described by actionName. Feedback from the action execution is sent to the given feedbackReceiver.

feedbackReceiver - is the FeedbackReceiver requesting the action. All feedback from the action execution will be sent to it.
receiverDesc - is a KAosEntityDescription of the entity, which is requested to perform the action.
actionName - is a String representing the name of the action as defined in the associated ontology.
String containing the unique id of the requested action. This id may be used by the FeedbackReceiver to track the status of the action execution.
ActionFailureException - containing the reason for failure. See ontology to determine specific reasons available for a given action
NotLocatableException - when the entity reqested to perform the action cannot be located.
TransportFailure - when the request cannot be sent due to transport failure.


java.lang.Object sendHashMapRequest(java.lang.String receiverID,
                                    java.lang.String actionName,
                                    java.util.HashMap properties)
                                    throws ActionFailureException,
This method sends a request described by actionName and a HashMap containing the action properties to perform an action by an entity identified by the receiverID. The result is returned synchronously to the caller.

receiverID - is the String that identifies the entity, which is requested to perform the action. The receiverID is the one that the action executor has registered with KAoS.
actionName - is a String representing the name of the action as defined in the associated ontology.
properties - is a HashMap of ontological Strings representing the desired properties of the action and the associated values.
Object containing the final result of the action.
ActionFailureException - containing the reason for failure. See ontology to determine specific reasons available for a given action
NotLocatableException - when the entity reqested to perform the action cannot be located.
TransportFailure - when the request cannot be sent due to transport failure.


java.lang.Object sendHashMapRequest(java.lang.String receiverID,
                                    java.lang.String actionName)
                                    throws ActionFailureException,
This method sends a request described by the given actionName to perform by an entity identified by the receiverID. The result is returned synchronously to the caller.

receiverID - is the String that identifies the entity, which is requested to perform the action. The receiverID is the one that the action executor has registered with KAoS.
actionName - is a String representing the name of the action as defined in the associated ontology.
Object containing the final result of the action.
ActionFailureException - containing the reason for failure. See ontology to determine specific reasons available for a given action
NotLocatableException - when the entity reqested to perform the action cannot be located.
TransportFailure - when the request cannot be sent due to transport failure.


java.lang.Object sendHashMapRequest(kaos.core.service.directory.KAoSEntityDescription receiverDesc,
                                    java.lang.String actionName,
                                    java.util.HashMap properties)
                                    throws ActionFailureException,
This method sends a request described by actionName and properties to perform an action by an entity identified by the receiverDesc. The result is returned synchronously to the caller.

receiverDesc - is the KAoSEntityDescription that identifies the entity, which is requested to perform the action.
actionName - is a String representing the name of the action as defined in the associated ontology.
properties - is a HashMap of ontological Strings representing the desired properties of the action and the associated values.
Object containing the final result of the action.
ActionFailureException - containing the reason for failure. See ontology to determine specific reasons available for a given action
NotLocatableException - when the entity reqested to perform the action cannot be located.
TransportFailure - when the request cannot be sent due to transport failure.


java.lang.Object sendHashMapRequest(kaos.core.service.directory.KAoSEntityDescription receiverDesc,
                                    java.lang.String actionName)
                                    throws ActionFailureException,
This method sends a request described by actionName to perform an action by an entity identified by the receiverDesc. The result is returned synchronously to the caller.

receiverDesc - is the KAoSEntityDescription that identifies the entity, which is requested to perform the action.
actionName - is a String representing the name of the action as defined in the associated ontology.
Object containing the final result of the action.
ActionFailureException - containing the reason for failure. See ontology to determine specific reasons available for a given action
NotLocatableException - when the entity reqested to perform the action cannot be located.
TransportFailure - when the request cannot be sent due to transport failure.

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