Interface KAoSObserver

All Known Subinterfaces:
PolicyDecisionObserver, RemoteKAoSObserver

public interface KAoSObserver

Defines the operation to receive updates when the KAoSObservable object, with whom this KAoSObserver was registered, changes.

KAoS Team $Revision: 1.9 $

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getID()
          Return the unique identifier of this observer.
 void update(java.lang.String observableID, java.lang.String updateType, java.lang.Object updateCondition, java.lang.Object update)
          Receive an update from the KAoSObservable when the KAoSObservable has a change or event to report.

Method Detail


void update(java.lang.String observableID,
            java.lang.String updateType,
            java.lang.Object updateCondition,
            java.lang.Object update)
            throws NotificationException
Receive an update from the KAoSObservable when the KAoSObservable has a change or event to report.

observableID - String identifying the KAoSObservable sending the update.
updateType - String indicating type of update.
updateCondition - String describing the condition of the update.
update - Object containing the update.
NotificationException - when the update fails.


java.lang.String getID()
Return the unique identifier of this observer.

String containing the unique ID of this observer.

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