Interface SpatialRegistration

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface SpatialRegistration

Defines the operations to register and deregister entities with spatial properties

KAoS Team $Revision: 1.1 $

Method Summary
 void deregisterObjectWithSpatialProperties(java.lang.String objectID)
          Deregister object identified by the given objectID and its spatial properties in the SpatialReasoner.
 void modifyEntitySpatialProperties(java.lang.String entityGUID, kaos.spatial.Location3D objectLocation, kaos.spatial.Orientation3D objectOrientation, kaos.spatial.Block3D objectOccupiedSpace)
          Modify given spatial properties of the entity identified by the given entityGUID in the KAoS Directory Service *AND* the SpatialReasoner.
 void modifyObjectSpatialProperties(java.lang.String objectID, kaos.spatial.Location3D objectLocation, kaos.spatial.Orientation3D objectOrientation, kaos.spatial.Block3D objectOccupiedSpace)
          Modify spatial properties of the object identified by the given objectID in the SpatialReasoner.
 void registerEntityWithSpatialProperties(AgentDescription entityDescription, kaos.spatial.Location3D objectLocation, kaos.spatial.Orientation3D objectOrientation, kaos.spatial.Block3D objectOccupiedSpace, boolean guarded, boolean replace)
          Register the entity as the simpler method registerEntity but also its spatial properties in the KAoS Directory Service *AND* the SpatialReasoner.
 void registerObjectWithSpatialProperties(java.lang.String objectID, java.util.Set objectOntologyType, kaos.spatial.Location3D objectLocation, kaos.spatial.Orientation3D objectOrientation, kaos.spatial.Block3D objectOccupiedSpace)
          Register object identified by the given objectID and its spatial properties in the SpatialReasoner.
 void registerObjectWithSpatialProperties(java.lang.String objectID, java.util.Set objectOntologyTypes, kaos.spatial.Orientation3D objectOrientation, java.util.Vector<kaos.spatial.Location3D> boundingPoints)
          Register object identified by the given objectID and its spatial properties in the SpatialReasoner.

Method Detail


void registerEntityWithSpatialProperties(AgentDescription entityDescription,
                                         kaos.spatial.Location3D objectLocation,
                                         kaos.spatial.Orientation3D objectOrientation,
                                         kaos.spatial.Block3D objectOccupiedSpace,
                                         boolean guarded,
                                         boolean replace)
                                         throws DirectoryFailure,
Register the entity as the simpler method registerEntity but also its spatial properties in the KAoS Directory Service *AND* the SpatialReasoner.

objectLocation - Location3D containing the X,Y,Z coordinates of the registering entity.
objectOrientation - Orientation3D containing the X,Y,Z radius of the registering entity.
objectOccupiedSpace - Block3D containing corner locations determining the occupied space of the registering entity.


void registerObjectWithSpatialProperties(java.lang.String objectID,
                                         java.util.Set objectOntologyType,
                                         kaos.spatial.Location3D objectLocation,
                                         kaos.spatial.Orientation3D objectOrientation,
                                         kaos.spatial.Block3D objectOccupiedSpace)
                                         throws DirectoryFailure,
Register object identified by the given objectID and its spatial properties in the SpatialReasoner. Important: Note that the object is *not* registered in the KAoS DirectoryService, only in the SpatialReasoner. If you want to register a given object in the KAoS Directory service, use method registerEntityWithSpatialProperties(), which will do both, register in the KAoS DS and the SpatialReasoner.

objectID - String uniquely identifying registering object in the SpatialReasoner.
objectOntologyType - Set containing Strings describing the ontological types of the registering object in the SpatialReasoner.
objectLocation - Location3D containing the X,Y,Z coordinates of the registering object.
objectOrientation - Orientation3D containing the X,Y,Z radius of the registering object.
objectOccupiedSpace - Block3D containing corner locations determining the occupied space of the registering object.
DirectoryFailure - if the connection to the SpatialReasoner cannot be established.
AlreadyRegisteredException - if the registering object has been already registered in the SpatialReasoner.


void registerObjectWithSpatialProperties(java.lang.String objectID,
                                         java.util.Set objectOntologyTypes,
                                         kaos.spatial.Orientation3D objectOrientation,
                                         java.util.Vector<kaos.spatial.Location3D> boundingPoints)
                                         throws DirectoryFailure,
Register object identified by the given objectID and its spatial properties in the SpatialReasoner. Important: Note that the object is *not* registered in the KAoS DirectoryService, only in the SpatialReasoner. If you want to register a given object in the KAoS Directory service, use method registerEntityWithSpatialProperties(), which will do both, register in the KAoS DS and the SpatialReasoner.

objectID - String uniquely identifying registering object in the SpatialReasoner.
objectOntologyType - Set containing Strings describing the ontological types of the registering object in the SpatialReasoner.
objectOrientation - Orientation3D containing the X,Y,Z radius of the registering object.
boundingPoints - An ordered List of points used to define the objects boundary. Location should then be defined as the average of the points. Occupied Space should be the max and min of the points along each axis.
DirectoryFailure - if the connection to the SpatialReasoner cannot be established.
AlreadyRegisteredException - if the registering object has been already registered in the SpatialReasoner.


void deregisterObjectWithSpatialProperties(java.lang.String objectID)
                                           throws DirectoryFailure,
Deregister object identified by the given objectID and its spatial properties in the SpatialReasoner. Important: Note that the object is *not* deregistered from the KAoS DirectoryService, only from the SpatialReasoner.

objectID - String uniquely identifying registering object in the SpatialReasoner.
DirectoryFailure - if the connection to the SpatialReasoner cannot be established.
NotRegisteredException - if the registering object has not been registered in the SpatialReasoner.


void modifyEntitySpatialProperties(java.lang.String entityGUID,
                                   kaos.spatial.Location3D objectLocation,
                                   kaos.spatial.Orientation3D objectOrientation,
                                   kaos.spatial.Block3D objectOccupiedSpace)
                                   throws DirectoryFailure,
Modify given spatial properties of the entity identified by the given entityGUID in the KAoS Directory Service *AND* the SpatialReasoner.

entityGUID - String containing the entity GUID.
objectLocation - modified Location3D containing the X,Y,Z coordinates of the entity.
objectOrientation - modified Orientation3D containing the X,Y,Z radius of the entity.
objectOccupiedSpace - modified Block3D containing corner locations determining the occupied space of the entity.
DirectoryFailure - if the connection to the DS cannot be established.
NotRegisteredException - if the entity whose properties are to be modified has not been registered in the DS.
kaos.core.service.directory.ModificationException - if one or more property update failed.


void modifyObjectSpatialProperties(java.lang.String objectID,
                                   kaos.spatial.Location3D objectLocation,
                                   kaos.spatial.Orientation3D objectOrientation,
                                   kaos.spatial.Block3D objectOccupiedSpace)
                                   throws DirectoryFailure,
Modify spatial properties of the object identified by the given objectID in the SpatialReasoner. Important: Note that the properties are *not* modified in the KAoS DirectoryService, only in the SpatialReasoner. If you want to modify properties of a given object in the KAoS Directory service, use method modifyEntitySpatialProperties(), which will do both, modify in the KAoS DS and the SpatialReasoner.

objectID - String uniquely identifying object, whose spatial properties will be modified in the SpatialReasoner.
objectLocation - modified Location3D containing the X,Y,Z coordinates of the entity.
objectOrientation - modified Orientation3D containing the X,Y,Z radius of the entity.
objectOccupiedSpace - modified Block3D containing corner locations determining the occupied space of the entity.
DirectoryFailure - if the connection to the SpatialReasoner cannot be established.
NotRegisteredException - if the object, whose properties are to be modified has not been registered in the SpatialReasoner.

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