Interface ObserverManager

public interface ObserverManager

Defines the operations to map KAoSObservers with KAoSObservables and forwards updates from KAoSObservable to the associated KAoSObservers.

KAoS Team $Revision: 1.6 $

Method Summary
 void deregisterObserver(KAoSObserver observer, java.lang.String updateType, java.io.Serializable updateCondition, kaos.core.service.directory.KAoSEntityDescription observableDesc)
          Deregister the given KAoSObserver from the registry of observers asoociated with the KAoSObservable, whose KAoSEntityDescription is given.
 void deregisterObserver(KAoSObserver observer, java.lang.String updateType, java.io.Serializable updateCondition, java.lang.String observableGUID)
          Deregister the given KAoSObserver from the registry of observers associated with the KAoSObservable, whose GUID is given.
 void registerKAoSExtensionComponentObserver(java.lang.String repType, java.lang.String ontType, KAoSObserver observer, java.lang.String updateType, java.io.Serializable updateCondition, kaos.core.service.directory.KAoSEntityDescription entityDesc)
 void registerObserver(KAoSObserver observer, java.lang.String updateType, java.io.Serializable updateCondition, kaos.core.service.directory.KAoSEntityDescription observableDesc)
          Register the given KAoSObserver with the KAoSObservable, whose KAoSEntityDescription is given, for updates described by the updateType and updateConstraints.
 void registerObserver(KAoSObserver observer, java.lang.String updateType, java.io.Serializable updateCondition, java.lang.String observableGUID)
          Register the given KAoSObserver with the KAoSObservable, whose GUID is given for updates described by the updateType and updateConditions.
 void registerObserver(KAoSObserver observer, java.lang.String updateType, java.io.Serializable updateCondition, java.lang.String observableGUID, java.lang.String brokerGUID)
          Register the given KAoSObserver with the KAoSObservable, whose GUID is given for updates described by the updateType and updateConditions.

Method Detail


void registerObserver(KAoSObserver observer,
                      java.lang.String updateType,
                      java.io.Serializable updateCondition,
                      java.lang.String observableGUID)
                      throws NotLocatableException,
Register the given KAoSObserver with the KAoSObservable, whose GUID is given for updates described by the updateType and updateConditions.

observer - KAoSObserver requesting registration for updates.
updateType - String indicating type of update the KAoSObserver is interested in.
updateCondition - Serializable describing the conditions under which to send the update.
observableGUID - String containing the GUID of the KAoSObservable to register with.
NotLocatableException - when the KAoSObservable cannot be located.
TransportFailure - when transport services fails.


void registerObserver(KAoSObserver observer,
                      java.lang.String updateType,
                      java.io.Serializable updateCondition,
                      kaos.core.service.directory.KAoSEntityDescription observableDesc)
                      throws NotLocatableException,
Register the given KAoSObserver with the KAoSObservable, whose KAoSEntityDescription is given, for updates described by the updateType and updateConstraints.

observer - KAoSObserver registering with for updates.
updateType - String indicating type of update the KAoSObserver is interested in.
updateCondition - Object describing the conditions under which to send the update.
observableDesc - KAoSEntityDescription describing the observable.
NotLocatableException - when the KAoSObservable cannot be located.
TransportFailure - when transport services fail.


void registerObserver(KAoSObserver observer,
                      java.lang.String updateType,
                      java.io.Serializable updateCondition,
                      java.lang.String observableGUID,
                      java.lang.String brokerGUID)
                      throws NotLocatableException,
Register the given KAoSObserver with the KAoSObservable, whose GUID is given for updates described by the updateType and updateConditions.

observer - KAoSObserver requesting registration for updates.
updateType - String indicating type of update the KAoSObserver is interested in.
updateCondition - Serializable describing the conditions under which to send the update.
observableGUID - String containing the GUID of the KAoSObservable to register with.
brokerGUID - String containing the GUID of the broker, through which to reach the observable.
NotLocatableException - when the KAoSObservable or broker cannot be located.
TransportFailure - when transport services fail. the rgistration will be processed.


void registerKAoSExtensionComponentObserver(java.lang.String repType,
                                            java.lang.String ontType,
                                            KAoSObserver observer,
                                            java.lang.String updateType,
                                            java.io.Serializable updateCondition,
                                            kaos.core.service.directory.KAoSEntityDescription entityDesc)
                                            throws NotLocatableException,


void deregisterObserver(KAoSObserver observer,
                        java.lang.String updateType,
                        java.io.Serializable updateCondition,
                        java.lang.String observableGUID)
                        throws NotLocatableException,
Deregister the given KAoSObserver from the registry of observers associated with the KAoSObservable, whose GUID is given.

observer - KAoSObserver deregistering.
updateType - String indicating type of update the KAoSObserver is no longer interested in.
updateCondition - Serializable containing the condition the KAoSObserver is no longer interested in.
observableGUID - String specifying the GUID of the observable, from which to deregister for the given update type.
NotLocatableException - when the KAoSObservable cannot be located.
TransportFailure - when transport services fail.


void deregisterObserver(KAoSObserver observer,
                        java.lang.String updateType,
                        java.io.Serializable updateCondition,
                        kaos.core.service.directory.KAoSEntityDescription observableDesc)
                        throws NotLocatableException,
Deregister the given KAoSObserver from the registry of observers asoociated with the KAoSObservable, whose KAoSEntityDescription is given.

observer - KAoSObserver deregistering.
updateType - String indicating type of update the KAoSObserver is no longer interested in.
updateCondition - Serializable containing the condition the KAoSObserver is no longer interested in.
observableDesc - KAoSEntityDescription of the observable, from which to deregister for the given update type.
NotLocatableException - when the KAoSObservable cannot be located.
TransportFailure - when transport services fail.

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