Interface InstanceClassifierManager

All Superinterfaces:

public interface InstanceClassifierManager
extends KAoSExtensionComponentManager

This interface defines a factory method for obtaining InstanceClassifier for the given property. $Revision: 1.3 $

Method Summary
 InstanceClassifier getClassifier(java.lang.String ontologyAttribute)
          Instantiate an InstanceClassifier for the specified property.
Methods inherited from interface kaos.core.csi.extension.KAoSExtensionComponentManager
changeComponentEnabledStatus, deregisterComponent, getAllKAoSExtensionComponents, getComponent, getComponentEnabledStatus, getRepositoryManagerType, getRepositoryTableInformation, registerComponent, removeAllKAoSExtensionComponents

Method Detail


InstanceClassifier getClassifier(java.lang.String ontologyAttribute)
Instantiate an InstanceClassifier for the specified property.

ontologyAttribute - string specifying the ontology attribute, for which a component is requested
InstanceClassifier an instance of the requested instance classifier, or null, if the manager was not able to find or create it

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