Uses of Class

Packages that use ActionFailureException

Uses of ActionFailureException in kaos.core.csi.request

Methods in kaos.core.csi.request that throw ActionFailureException
protected  void ActionMethodRequestHandler.checkPermissionForAction(java.lang.String actionName, java.util.HashMap properties)
 java.lang.Object AIDRequestReceiver.processAIDRequest(ActionInstanceDescription aid)
          This method accepts a request described in an ActionInstanceDescription to perform an action.
 java.lang.Object ActionMethodRequestHandler.processAIDRequest(ActionInstanceDescription aid)
          This method accepts a request described in an ActionInstanceDescription to perform an action.
 void AIDRequestReceiver.processAIDRequest(ActionInstanceDescription aid, kaos.core.service.ontology.request.ActionStatusCallback statusCallback)
          This method accepts a request described by an ActionInstanceDescription to perform an action.
 void ActionMethodRequestHandler.processAIDRequest(ActionInstanceDescription aid, kaos.core.service.ontology.request.ActionStatusCallback statusCallback)
          This method accepts a request described by an ActionInstanceDescription to perform an action.
 java.lang.Object ActionMethodRequestHandler.processHashMapRequest(java.lang.String actionName)
          This method accepts a request described by the given String containing action name.
 java.lang.Object HashMapRequestReceiver.processHashMapRequest(java.lang.String actionName)
          This method accepts a request described by the given String containing action name.
 void ActionMethodRequestHandler.processHashMapRequest(java.lang.String actionName, kaos.core.service.ontology.request.ActionStatusCallback statusCallback)
          This method accepts a request described by the given String containing the action name.
 void HashMapRequestReceiver.processHashMapRequest(java.lang.String actionName, kaos.core.service.ontology.request.ActionStatusCallback statusCallback)
          This method accepts a request described by the given String containing the action name.
 java.lang.Object ActionMethodRequestHandler.processHashMapRequest(java.lang.String actionName, java.util.HashMap properties)
          This method accepts a request described by the given String and HashMap of properties.
 java.lang.Object HashMapRequestReceiver.processHashMapRequest(java.lang.String actionName, java.util.HashMap properties)
          This method accepts a request described by the given String containing action name and HashMap of properties.
 void ActionMethodRequestHandler.processHashMapRequest(java.lang.String actionName, java.util.HashMap properties, kaos.core.service.ontology.request.ActionStatusCallback statusCallback)
          This method accepts a request described by the given String and HashMap of properties.
 void HashMapRequestReceiver.processHashMapRequest(java.lang.String actionName, java.util.HashMap properties, kaos.core.service.ontology.request.ActionStatusCallback statusCallback)
          This method accepts a request described by the given String containing action name and HashMap of properties.
 void ObligationRequestReceiver.processObligationRequest(ActionInstanceDescription obligationAID, ActionInstanceDescription triggerAID)
          This method accepts an obligation request to execute by the ObligationRequestReceiver.
 java.lang.Object OWLRequestReceiver.processOWLRequest(java.lang.String owlActionDescription)
          This method accepts a request described by an OWL String to perform an action.
 void OWLRequestReceiver.processOWLRequest(java.lang.String owlActionDescription, kaos.core.service.ontology.request.ActionStatusCallback statusCallback)
          This method accepts a request described by an OWL String to perform an action.
 java.lang.String AIDRequestManager.sendAIDRequest(FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver, receiverDesc, ActionInstanceDescription aid)
          This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverDesc to perform an action described by the given ActionInstanceDescription.
 java.lang.String AIDRequestManager.sendAIDRequest(FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver, java.lang.String receiverID, ActionInstanceDescription aid)
          This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverID to perform an action described by the given ActionInstanceDescription.
 java.lang.Object AIDRequestManager.sendAIDRequest( receiverDesc, ActionInstanceDescription aid)
          This method sends a request described by an ActionInstanceDescription to perform an action by an entity identified by the KAoSEntityDescription.
 java.lang.Object AIDRequestManager.sendAIDRequest(java.lang.String receiverID, ActionInstanceDescription aid)
          This method sends a request described by an ActionInstanceDescription to perform an action by an entity identified by the receiverID.
 java.lang.String HashMapRequestManager.sendHashMapRequest(FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver, receiverDesc, java.lang.String actionName)
          This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverDesc to perform an action described by actionName.
 java.lang.String HashMapRequestManager.sendHashMapRequest(FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver, receiverDesc, java.lang.String actionName, java.util.HashMap properties)
          This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverDesc to perform an action described by actionName and a HashMap containing the action properties.
 java.lang.String HashMapRequestManager.sendHashMapRequest(FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver, java.lang.String receiverID, java.lang.String actionName)
          This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverID to perform an action described by the actionName.
 java.lang.String HashMapRequestManager.sendHashMapRequest(FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver, java.lang.String receiverID, java.lang.String actionName, java.util.HashMap properties)
          This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverID to perform an action described by the given String and a HashMap containing the action properties.
 java.lang.Object HashMapRequestManager.sendHashMapRequest( receiverDesc, java.lang.String actionName)
          This method sends a request described by actionName to perform an action by an entity identified by the receiverDesc.
 java.lang.Object HashMapRequestManager.sendHashMapRequest( receiverDesc, java.lang.String actionName, java.util.HashMap properties)
          This method sends a request described by actionName and properties to perform an action by an entity identified by the receiverDesc.
 java.lang.Object HashMapRequestManager.sendHashMapRequest(java.lang.String receiverID, java.lang.String actionName)
          This method sends a request described by the given actionName to perform by an entity identified by the receiverID.
 java.lang.Object HashMapRequestManager.sendHashMapRequest(java.lang.String receiverID, java.lang.String actionName, java.util.HashMap properties)
          This method sends a request described by actionName and a HashMap containing the action properties to perform an action by an entity identified by the receiverID.
 void ObligationRequestManager.sendObligationRequest( receiverDesc, ActionInstanceDescription obligationAID, ActionInstanceDescription triggerAID)
          This method sends an obligation request to an entity identified by the given receiverDesc to execute an obligation action described by the given obligation ActionInstanceDescription and the trigger ActionInstanceDescription.
 void ObligationRequestManager.sendObligationRequest(java.lang.String receiverID, ActionInstanceDescription obligationAID, ActionInstanceDescription triggerAID)
          This method sends an obligation request to an entity identified by its unique ID to execute an obligation action described by the given obligation ActionInstanceDescription and the trigger ActionInstanceDescription.
 java.lang.String OWLRequestManager.sendOWLRequest(FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver, receiverDesc, java.lang.String owlActionDescription)
          This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverDesc to perform an action described by the given String, which is in the OWL format.
 java.lang.String OWLRequestManager.sendOWLRequest(FeedbackReceiver feedbackReceiver, java.lang.String receiverID, java.lang.String owlActionDescription)
          This method sends a request to an entity identified by the given receiverID to perform an action described by the given String, which is in the OWL format.
 java.lang.Object OWLRequestManager.sendOWLRequest( receiverDesc, java.lang.String owlActionDescription)
          This method sends a request described by an OWL String to perform an action by an entity identified by the KAoSEntityDescription.
 java.lang.Object OWLRequestManager.sendOWLRequest(java.lang.String receiverID, java.lang.String owlActionDescription)
          This method sends a request described by an OWL String to perform an action by an entity identified by the receiverID.

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