Uses of Interface

Packages that use Property

Uses of Property in kaos.core.csi

Methods in kaos.core.csi that return Property
 Property KAoSActor.getProperty(java.lang.String name)
          Return the property, whose name is specified
 Property Transport.getProperty(java.lang.String name)
          Obtain a Property of this Transport.

Methods in kaos.core.csi that return types with arguments of type Property
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Property> KAoSActor.getProperties()
          Returns a Hashtable containing a mapping of actor properties.

Methods in kaos.core.csi with parameters of type Property
 java.lang.Object KAoSActor.getPropertyValue(Property property)
          Return the value of the given property
 void Transport.setProperty(Property property)
          Set a property for this Transport.

Uses of Property in kaos.core.csi.registration

Methods in kaos.core.csi.registration with parameters of type Property
static java.lang.String PropertyUtil.getPropertyAsOWL(java.lang.String entityGUID, Property myProperty, kaos.ontology.repository.OntologyRepository ontRepository)
          Create an OWL individual identified by entityGUID with the given property values assigned

Method parameters in kaos.core.csi.registration with type arguments of type Property
static java.util.List<java.lang.String> PropertyUtil.getPropertiesAsOWL(java.lang.String entityGUID, java.util.List<Property> properties, kaos.ontology.repository.OntologyRepository ontRepository)
          Create list of OWL individuals identified by entityGUID with the given property values assigned
 void DirectoryRegistration.modifyEntityProperties(java.lang.String entityGUID, java.util.List<Property> properties)
          Modify properties of the entity identified by the given entityGUID.
 void DirectoryRegistration.registerEntityWithProperties(AgentDescription entityDescription, java.util.List<Property> properties, boolean guarded, boolean replace)
          Register the entity described as simpler method registerEntity but also register properties of this agent

Uses of Property in kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy

Methods in kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy that return Property
 Property KAoSWrappedLegacySystem.getProperty(java.lang.String name)

Methods in kaos.core.csi.usecase.legacy with parameters of type Property
 java.lang.Object KAoSWrappedLegacySystem.getPropertyValue(Property property)

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