Ontology and Policy Management

IHMC Radio Ontology

The Radio Ontology concepts allows to create policies controlling different aspects of Radio operations. The ontology contains vocabulary covering policies specified in the CERDEC Dynamic Spectrum Access Policy Assessment. However, the ontology has amny additional concepts.

The concepts from all the ontology files used in the Radio Ontology are documented OWLDoc format and Parrot format (see also OWL file).

The ontology is divided into subsets related to concepts of Actor, Actions and Entities.

The concepts of: Radio, RadioOperator, MasterRadio are Actors in the policy, additionally there are concepts for RadioReceiver, RadioTransmitter, Transceiver, FrequencySensor. The Cmap representation show relations between these classes and their related properties (see also OWL file). The Radio actors are subclasses of KAoS Actors and thus also have spatial properties like for instance location. Radio also inherit properties from MilitaryActor.

The current Radio Actions are: AbandonFrequencyAction, AddFrequencyMonitoringAction, BeaconAction, ChangeAntennaDirectionAction, ChangeAntennaGainAction, ChangeAntennaPolarizationAction, ChangeBandwithAction, ChangeBITRateAction, ChangeFrequencyAction, ChangeFrequencyMonitoringTimeAction, ChangeModulationAction, ChangePowerAction, ChangeStatusReportingTime, EnterNewNetworkAction, JoinNetworkAction, ModifyRadioSignalAction, RadioSignalAction, RadioSignalChangeAction, RadioTransmissionAction, ReceiveBeaconAction, ReceiveNetworkJoinAction, ReconfigureBeaconAction, RequestNetworkJoinAction, SendAllSensorReportsAction, SendNetworkConfigurationAction, SendSensorReportAction, StopRadioTransmissionAction. The Cmap representation show relations between these classes and their related properties (see also OWL file). The Radio actions are subclasses of KAoS Action and thus have spatial properties like for instance location where the action was executed, context properties for type of terrain or weather as well as allowing to express different the time constraints.

The Radio Entities concepts are: Antenna, RadioSignal, Waveform, Connectivity, RadioMessage, Beacon, Command, FrequencySensorReport. The Cmap representation show relations between these classes and their related properties (see also OWL file).

The Unites and quantities used to define radio properties are: Absorbation, Analog Modulation Scheme, Attenuation, Bandwith, DigitalModulationScheme, EIRP, EIRPDensity, FieldStrengthUnit, FiledStrength, FrequencyRange, Gain, ModulationScheme, Noise, PocketLoss, PolarizationTypes, PowerFluxDensity, PowerFluxDensityUnit, PowerSpectralDensity, PowerSpectralDensityUnit, SignalToNoiseRatio, SpreadSpectrumModulationScheme (see Cmap and OWL file).

They are complemented by unites from Information ontology: Bandwith, BandwithUnit, BitErrorRate, BitErrorRateUnit, DataLatency, DataTroughput, DecibelUnit, Information, InformationUnit, Message, PercentUnit and generic Physical Units: Angle, AngleUnit, Frequency, FrequencyUnit, Power, PowerUnit.

Additionally there are concepts defining Radio Bands: Channel, EmissionBand, FrequencyBand, FrequencyGroup, FrequencySpecification, ITUBand, MilitaryBand, ProhibitedBand (see Cmap and OWL file) and Spectrum Allocation: ActivityCode, AeronauticalMobile, AeronauticalMobileSatellite, AeronauticalRadioNavigation, AllocationUsageDesignation, Amateur, AmateurSatellite, Broadcasting, BroadcastingSatellite, EarthExplorationSatellite, Fixed, FixedSatellite, GovernmentExclusive, InterSatellite, LandMobile, LandMobileSatellite, MaritimeMobile, MaritimeMobileSatellite, MaritimeRadioNavigation, MeterologicalAids, MeterologicalSatellite, Mobile, MobileSatellite, NonGovernmentExclusive, Primary, RadioAstronomy, RadioDeterminationSatellite, RadioLocation, RadioNavigation, RadioNavigationSatellite, RadioService, SatelliteRadioService, Secondary, Shared, SpaceOperation, SpaceResearch, StandardFrequencyAndTimeSignal, StandardTimeAndFrequencySatellite (see Cmap and OWL file).