Ontology and Policy Management

Rapid Communities of Interest (COI) Infospaces Creation and Deployment using KAoS and Cmaps

Presentation for the JBI PI Meeting April 2007

COI-Tool distribution is here (password required) and tutorial

IHMC COI Cmapserver with Generic COI Ontology and Demo COI Schemas and Configurations

General COI Resources

JBI vision for COI and current support

Collection of METOC Resources

COI Ontology

Generic Ontology for COI: COIActor (hyperOWL and hyperONT), COIAction (hyperOWL and hyperONT), COIData (hyperOWL and hyperONT), COI (hyperOWL and hyperONT)

JBI ontology mapping to COI: COI-JBIActor (hyperOWL and hyperONT), COI-JBIAction (hyperOWL and hyperONT), COI-JBIEntity (hyperOWL and hyperONT),

Additional Information about some Specific COI Efforts