Package kaos.vlik

Interface Summary
AgentLifeListener Classes that are interested in receiving messages from an AgentLifeService should implement this interface.
AgentLifeService Provides listeners updates when agents appear and disappear.
ObservationTranslationEntry A TranslationEntry tailored for handling observations.
ObservationTranslator Translators are objects that convert CSI messages to client formats.
Service Services are objects that wrap features of the Common Service Interface.
TranslationEntry A TranslationEntry entry handles the translation of one message type.
Translator Translators are objects that convert CSI messages to client formats.
Transport Transports are objects that ferry messages to remote locations.

Class Summary
CommandService Allows clients to issue commands to agents.
GenericTranslator A translator built form a list of TranslationEntry objects.
Log An extra simple logging facility.
ObserverService Provides clients updates from observables.
PeriodicCheckAgentLifeService An AgentLifeService which periodically queries the directory service.
PrintRunner A simple runner that simply
ReconnectSocket A server socket that allows for reconnection.
Runner Instances contol an interface from KAoS to some Visualizer.
SexpTranslator A translator for writing observations to a PrintStream in a simple s-expression format.
SimpleSocket The simplest of sockets.
TorqueRunner A simple runner that simply