Package kaos.policy.util

Interface Summary
KAoSPolicyBuilder Class building a DAML Policy representation within com.hp.hpl.jena.daml.DAMLModel

Class Summary
KAoSConditionBuilder Class building an Ontology (DAML or OWL) Condition representation within com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel
KAoSPolicyBuilderImpl Class building an Ontology (DAML or OWL) Policy representation within com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel
OntologyPolicyEntry Class containg elements associated with single Ontology Policy in the Directory.
PolicyConstants Constants for High-Level Policy stuff.

Exception Summary
ActionTypeNotSet ActionTypeNotSet defines an exception to be thrown by the DAMLPolicyBuilder class when the methods setting the target are called before providing the type of the action.
ActorNotSet ActorNotSet defines an exception to be thrown by the DAMLPolicyBuilder class when the method setting actor range are called before setting the name of the actor.
ConditionBuildingNotCompleted ConditionBuildingNotCompleted defines an exception to be thrown by the KAoSConditionBuilder class when the construction of the Condition is not finished and the method to retrive the condition is called.
OntologyPolicyIncorrect OntologyPolicyIncorrect defines an exception to be thrown by the PolicyDirectory when the introduced Ontology Policy is not correct.
PolicyBuildingNotCompleted PolicyBuildingNotCompleted defines an exception to be thrown by the DAMLPolicyBuilder class when the construction of the policy is not finished and the method to retrive the constructed policy is called.
PolicyNameNotSet PolicyNameNotSet defines an exception to be thrown by the DAMLPolicyBuilder class when the name of the policy is not set and methods of the class setting policy properties are called.
PriorityConditionNotMet PriorityConditionNotMet defines an exception to be thrown by the PolicyAnalyzes if teh priority conditions for a particular method are not met
PriorityNotValid PriorityNotValid defines an exception to be thrown by the DAMLPolicyBuilder class when the specified priority for th epolicy is not valid.
SiteOfEnforcementTypeNotExists SiteOfEnforcementTypeNotExists defines an exception to be thrown by the DAMLPolicyBuilder class when the specified value for the site of enforcement is not valid.
SpecifiedModalityTypeNotExists SpecifiedModalityTypeNotExists defines an exception to be thrown by the DAMLPolicyBuilder class when the modality type specified for the constructed policy is not valid.