Package kaos.policy.enforcement.obligation

Interface Summary
ControlActionInstantiator This interface defines a method to instantiate a control ActionInstanceDescription based on the given control ActionClassDescription and a trigger condition ActionInstanceDescription.
PropertySpecializedPopulator This interface defines methods to populate values for a given property based on the control ActionClassDescription, trigger ActionInstanceDescription, and additionally, system contextual knowledge of the action.
TriggerConditionListener This interface defines methods called by Guard to update the action class description for the trigger condition to be monitored by the listener.
TriggerConditionListenersRegistry This interface defines methods to register and deregister listeners of trigger conditions.

Class Summary

Exception Summary
ObligationViolationException ObligationViolationException defines an exception to be thrown by the Guard when the Guard evaluates a trigger against applicable obligation policy and determines that some part of obligation has been violated.
TriggerConditionListenerDeregistrationException TriggerConditionListenerDeregistrationException defines an exception to be thrown by the TriggerConditionListenerRegistry class when it encounters a problem in deregistration of the TriggerConditionListener.
TriggerConditionListenerRegistrationException TriggerConditionListenerRegistrationException defines an exception to be thrown by the TriggerConditionListenerRegistry class when it encounters a problem in registration of the TriggerConditionListener.