Package kaos.ontology.util

Interface Summary

Class Summary
ConceptTranslator Implements static methods in order to store various mappings between concepts defined in agent systems and terms defined in KAoS ontologies.
DAMLModelUtils $Revision: 1.21 $
KAoSClassBuilderImpl Class building an Ontology definition of class within (OWL or DAML, depending on the specified ontologyLanguage) com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel
OntModelUtils $Revision: 1.3 $
OntologyLanguageTagSelector $Revision: 1.9 $
SerializableOntModelImpl $Revision: 1.2 $
TempOntModelImpl $Revision: 1.2 $

Exception Summary
AlreadyComplement AlreadyComplement defines an exception to be thrown by the DAMLPolicyBuilder class when a property range, which already a complement, is again made complement.
BuildingNotCompleted BuildingNotCompleted defines an exception to be thrown by the DAMLPolicyBuilder class when the construction of the DAML class is not finished and the method to retrive the constructed definition is called.
ClassNameNotSet ClassNameNotSet defines an exception to be thrown by the DAMLPolicyBuilder class when the name of th edefined class is not set and more advanced methods are called.
ClassNotSuperClass ClassNotSuperClass defines an exception to be thrown by the ontology concept class builders when the class was not previously specified as a superclass.
DisjointClassWithAlreadyAdded DisjointClassWithAlreadyAdded defines an exception to be thrown by the ontology concept class builders when the new superclass of the build concept is disjoint with the classes already added
InstanceNotInThisRange InstanceNotInThisRange defines an exception to be thrown by the ontology concept class builders when the instance is removed not previously added to the range.
QueryFailure QueryFailure defines an exception to be thrown by the OntologyLanguageTagSelector class when the name of the selected ontology language is not unknown
RangeIsBasedOnAClass RangeIsBasedOnAClass defines an exception to be thrown by the ontology concept class builders when the instance is added to the range already initiated with a class.
RangeIsBasedOnInstances RangeIsBasedOnInstances defines an exception to be thrown by the ontology concept class builders when the class is added to the range already initiated with instances.
UnsuportedOntologyLangageSelected UnsuportedOntologyLangageSelected defines an exception to be thrown by the OntologyLanguageTagSelector class when the name of the selected ontology language is not unknown
ValueNotSet ValueNotSet defines an exception to be thrown by the DAMLPolicyBuilder class when the value is retrived which was not previously set.