Package kaos.kpat.policyTemplates.editor

Interface Summary
EditablePolicyTemplateListener Implement this interface in objects that want to know about when an EditablePolicyTemplate changes.
RTCBindingListener Listener for changes in the bindings of a ReferenceableTemplateComponent.
TemplateComponent A component in a policy template.

Class Summary
CheckBoxTC Allows for multiple selection of values fixed exclusively.
ComboBoxTC Allows for single selection of values fixed inclusively.
EditablePolicyTemplate This class provides an editable policy template.
ListPanelTC Allows for multiple selection of values fixed inclusively.
PolicyTemplateEditor The defualt GUI for editing EditablePolicyTemplate objects.
PopupBindingMenuController Provides right click activiation for a popup which allows you to create TemplateComponentBindings between.
PopupMenuController Convience class for making popup windows.
RadioButtonTC Allows for single selection of values fixed exclusively.
ReferenceableTemplateComponent Prototype of a template component which can have bindings to subtemplates.
TemplateComponentEditor Allows you to edit the values of a ReferenceableTemplateComponent.
TextTC A template component used for providing labels.
UndeterminedTC A template component who's exact nature has not yet been determined.