I. INSTALLATION No specific task required if using KAoS native raw TCP transport protocol. In order to use an other transport protocol configuration of the location of this protocol jar libraries is required. Also KAoS distribution has to contain appropriate jar specific for the given transport protocol. KAoS in general needs access to the Internet to load required ontology files. It is however possible to use KAoS without the Internet access. KAoS includes a tool called "ontology proxy", which can simulate web servers providing ontology files. II. RUNNING The directory \kaos\scripts\ contains subdirectories with build.xml files, for ant (http://ant.apache.org/), allowing to run KAoS components, tools and usecase (in progress). The available targets and descriptions of each of the build.xml files can be obtained by executing "ant -p" (ant version 1.6 and up) in a given subdirectory, for instance in the subdirectory kaos-core. To run basic KAoS services the default target of the kaos-core subdirectory build.xml file can be used. Simple execute "ant" in: \kaos\scripts\kaos-core and: KAoS DirectoryService, KAoS servlet (allowing for http communication between KAoS Directory Service and KPAT) and, after up to a 1 minute (to allow for DS initialization), KPAT (KAoS GUI tool) should be started.