KAoS Policies for controlling JAAS- based application


Gianluca Tonti




August, 2003

  1. Introduction

  2. Architecture overview

          2.1    JAAS

          2.2    Integration of KAoS with JAAS

  1. A running example

  2. Controlling the application with KAoS

          4.1    Configuration of the KAoS policy framework

          4.2    Configuration of the JAAS Application

          4.3    Specification of  KAoS policies with KPAT


1.  Introduction



The Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) is a Java package that permits the management of the user authentication  and the control of the access of authenticated users to system resources.

JAAS is an extension of the Java Security architecture and  has now been integrated in the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4. In particular,  it adds to the traditional Java security mechanisms the possibility to manage permissions that are based on the name of the authenticated user, and not only on the code characteristics such as the code source. JAAS can be used as a means to control the access of software agents to resources, by associating agents to one or more principals (representing the agent themselves or the humans running them) and then using the JAAS permissions for controlling them.

 KAoS supports the control of Java applications that are controlled by JAAS by means of the KAoS policies instead of the traditional java permissions. The integration of the KAoS platform with the application to control does not require any adaptation of the application code. Using KAoS for controlling the application can bring some advantages in the security management of the application:
  • The policy specification can be simplified through the assistance of KPAT

  • KAoS policies can extend the limited semantic of the traditional Java policies (for example, in KAoS it is possible to specify and reason over both negative and positive authorization policies, while Java manages only positive authorizations)

  • Users can benefit from the usage of the set tools provided by KAoS for the policy management. For example, policy conflicts can be automatically detected at specification time

In this tutorial we briefly present how to use the KAoS components that permit to bridge a JAAS-based application with KAoS. Because this solution does not require any adaptation of the code of the application to control, it can be viewed as a very simple example of policy enforcement automation, and  it has been using as a case study for our research in this field. 


2.  Architecture Overview

2.1  JAAS


The JAAS authorization is based on the name of the authenticated user and on the set of Java permissions that are assigned to him. Any user is represented in terms of a subject. A subject can be associated to one or more principals that represent the different usernames with which an user can be recognized within the system. Then, the permission to execute is granted to a subject based on its authenticated principals. For example, the following policy assigns the permission to read a file to the principal 'gianluca':


   grant Principal  sample.principal.SamplePrincipal   “gianluca" {       

            permission java.io.FilePermission "A.txt", "read";



Example of JAAS Policy: the user "gianluca" is permitted

to read the file called "A.txt"


JAAS relies on the Java Security mechanisms to assure a correct enforcement of its policies. In particular, the Java Security architecture relies on the following basic components:

  • AccessController: implements a default access control algorithm to grant or deny accesses to resources;

  • SecurityManager: the responsible of policy checking. It can prevent the completion of an operation by throwing a security exception;

  • Class Loader: provides loaded classes with separate namespaces and associates classes with protection domains;

  • Policy Provider: retrieves permissions granted to classes/users.



2.2  Integration of KAoS with JAAS


The Java Security platform can be extended to support customized policy enforcements. This property permits to easily interface KAoS with JAAS. In particular, the substitution (from the outside of the application) of the standard Security Manager and Policy Provider with customized components provided by KAoS permits to redirect the checking of the permission from the Java Security Architecture to the KAoS framework. Then KAoS can manage the security checking accordingly with its set of policies as shown in the following picture:


Integration of KAoS with the Java Security Architecture


In particular, when an authenticated agent tries to access a resource controlled by JAAS, the native Java code automatically intercepts this attempt and triggers a security checking of the current permissions by calling the Java Security. This call is redirect by the KAoS customized components to the KAoS framework where the KAoS policies can be enforced instead of the traditional Java ones.


3.  A running example


 The source code of the JAAS-based application we have used as case-study is stored in the directory:


This demo is based on the example code provide by Sun in the JAAS tutorial. The application enforces the authentication of users and for each user successfully authenticated it creates an agent that tries to read a local file that is called "A.txt"


  • For compiling the code run the script


    This script creates also the jar files used for running the application in the directory:


  • For running the application by using the traditional Java Security mechanisms run the scripts 


In particular, at the beginning  the application authenticates an user by requiring an username and a password:

       This agent tries to read the file "A.txt"
       To launch it an authentication is required.

      user name: {any username}

Application Output: Authentication phase


Any username can be used for the authentication while only 'kaos' can be used as a permitted password, otherwise the authentication fails. If the authentication succeeds, an agent (i.e. an instance of the class sample.MyThread) is created and linked to a principal with the same name of the username used during the authentication. When the agent tries to read the file "A.txt" the Java Security retrieves the set of permissions associated with its principal, by reading the file: 


This file assigns the permission to read the file "A.txt" only to principals called "gianluca". So if the user has been authenticated with the username 'gianluca', he can read the content of the file, otherwise the permission is denied.


This agent tries to read the file A.txt
To launch it an authentication is required.

user name: gianluca
password: kaos
        [SampleLoginModule] user entered user name: gianluca
        [SampleLoginModule] user entered password: kaos
        [SampleLoginModule] authentication succeeded
        [SampleLoginModule] added SamplePrincipal to Subject
Authentication succeeded!
Authenticated user has the following Principals:
                SamplePrincipal: gianluca
User has 0 Public Credential(s)
*** Trying to read file ***
*** End of THREAD execution ***

This agent tries to read the file A.txt
To launch it an authentication is required.

user name: otherName
password: kaos
        [SampleLoginModule] user entered user name: otherName
        [SampleLoginModule] user entered password: kaos
        [SampleLoginModule] authentication succeeded
        [SampleLoginModule] added SamplePrincipal to Subject
Authentication succeeded!
Authenticated user has the following Principals:
                SamplePrincipal: otherName
User has 0 Public Credential(s)
*** Trying to read file ***

Permission to read is denied

*** End of THREAD execution ***


Application Output: Authorization phase with permission granted

Application Output: Authorization phase with permission denied


4.  Controlling the application with KAoS


In addition to the core components for the policy management, KAoS provides some specific components for controlling the JAAS applications. The source code and classes of these components can be found in the following directories:




The current solution relies on a proxy agent (an instance of the class Jaas.policyManagement.KAoSProxyToJaas) that is running on the CoABS Grid and that accepts some requests from external Java applications. For the communication, the proxy agent open a socket at port 55. On the application-side, any checking of permissions is redirect to this agent through the socket. On the KAoS-side, KAoS associates a Guard to the proxy agent that manages the policy reasoning and checking at any redirected request.

  4.1  Configuration of the KAoS policy framework

Within KAoS, for running the proxy agent that permits to bridge the KAoS framework with the application to control, the following steps are required:

  1. Compile the code of the components required for interfacing KAoS with any JAAS application and build the kJass.jar file by running the following scripts:



The correct execution of this two scripts create the kJaas.jar file in the directory [KAoS-HOME]\lib;

  1. Run the CoABS Grid;

  1. Run the following scripts and in the following order:





  1. With KPAT, create a domain called "TestDomain" with a default modality= 'NegAuthorizationPolicy'. This will be the domain of the agent proxy;

  1. With KPAT, load the predefined namespace:

http://ontology.ihmc.us/Java/JavaOntologies.owl that contains the ontologies for JAAS;

  1. With KPAT, load the namespace:

http://www.lia.deis.unibo.it/Staff/GianlucaTonti/DAML/JaasInstances.daml  that contains the description of the file "A.txt" as an instance of the class 'File';

  1. Run the agent proxy by executing the following script:


This agent will open a graphical interface (shown in the following picture) that permits to create instances of Principals to control.



Graphical Interface for creation of the Principals to control in KPAT



  4.2  Configuration of the JAAS application

To control the JAAS application with KAoS, it is required to substitute the traditional java Policy provider and Security Manager with customized KAoS components.  This can be easily done from the outside of the application, without changing the application code, by performing the following steps: 

  1. To install the KAoS PolicyProvider, it is required to change the security configuration file of the current Java virtual machine (usually stored in [JDK-PATH]\jre\lib\security\java.security), by linking the policy.provider property to the customized Policy Provider provided by KAoS. To do this, change the configuration file in the following way:





  1. For changing the Security Manager and running the Demo, run the following script:



After the execution of this two steps the application requires the user authentication as usual, but this time the checking of any permissions is performed by KAoS. If no policy has been defined in KAoS the permission is denied for any principal as shown in the following ouput:

   Try connecting to KAoSProxyToJaas
 Connected to: / on port: 55

 This agent tries to read the file A.txt
 To launch it an authentication is required.

 *** Using new KAoS policy provider for Java 1.4 ***
 user name: gianluca
 password: kaos
            [SampleLoginModule] user entered user name: gianluca
            [SampleLoginModule] user entered password: kaos
            [SampleLoginModule] authentication succeeded
            [SampleLoginModule] added SamplePrincipal to Subject
 Authentication succeeded!
 Authenticated user has the following Principals:
            SamplePrincipal: gianluca
 User has 0 Public Credential(s)
 *** Trying to read file ***

 **** Checking policies for the Subject ***
 Checking policies for gianluca
 Querying the KAoSproxyToJaas agent and the Guard about:

     (kaos.policy.guard.ActionPermission gianluca)
 Read: false
 **** End of Checking ***

 Permission to read is denied
 *** End of THREAD execution ***


 Application Output: permission to read denied by KAoS


4.3  Specification of KAoS policies with KPAT


Assign the permission to read a file with KPAT is very simple. As a guiding example, the following steps show how to create a policy that assigns the authorization to read the file "A.txt" to a principal called "userTest" :

  1. Create an instance of the Principal to control by using the graphical interface provided after the creation of the agent proxy (see Section 4.1);



Creation of the principal 'userTest'

  1. Press the 'Refresh' button to update the graphical interface. If the Principal has been correctly created the Domain window reports a similar tree:



Example of correct initialization of the

management domain

  1. Select the 'userTest' principal in the Domain tree and add to it a policy by pressing the button 'Add'. Then  authorize the 'userTest' to perform a 'ReadFileAction' by using the KAoS policy editor in the following way:


Policy specification: userTest can perform a 'ReadFileAction' action

  1. Specify the permitted file to read through the property 'AccessedEntity':

  Policy specification: permission to access the file A.txt  
  1. At the end of the policy specification, remember to activate the policy by pressing the button 'Commit'.


At the end of the specification of this policy, any user authenticated by the JAAS application (see Section 4.2) with the username 'userTest' is authorized by KAoS to read the content of the file 'A.txt'

   Try connecting to KAoSProxyToJaas
 Connected to: / on port: 55

 This agent tries to read the file A.txt 
 To launch it an authentication is required.
 *** Using new KAoS policy provider for Java 1.4 ***
 user name: userTest
 password: kaos
        [SampleLoginModule] user entered user name: userTest
        [SampleLoginModule] user entered password: kaos
        [SampleLoginModule] authentication succeeded
        [SampleLoginModule] added SamplePrincipal to Subject
 Authentication succeeded!
 Authenticated user has the following Principals:
         SamplePrincipal: userTest
 User has 0 Public Credential(s)
 *** Trying to read file BY THREAD3 ***

 **** Checking policies for the Subject ***
 Checking policies for userTest

 Querying the KAoSproxyToJaas agent and the Guard about:

   (kaos.policy.guard.ActionPermission userTest)
 Read: true
 **** End of Checking ***

 *** End of THREAD execution ***


 Application Output: permission to read is authorized 

by KAoS after the policy specification